SevaDharma Dental Clinic: 2012

Saturday 22 September 2012

List of books in dentistry and medicine

List of books in dentistry and medicine

Author Title Yr/Edn. Cur Price
Anand 1000 Mcq`s In Anatomy  2002 Rs. 65
Anand Anatomy Today -  Vol 1  2E/02 Rs. 350
Anand Anatomy Today -  Vol 2  2E/03 Rs. 430
Anand First Aid Medical AIIMS -  Vol 1  2003 Rs. 400
Arora Microbiology At A Glance  2004 Rs. 150
Arora Pathology At A Glance  2004 Rs. 150
Arora Pathology Made Easy  2006 Rs. 260
Chudgar Radiology Ready Answers  2005 Rs. 165
Daiya A Concise Man Of Dental Anat & Dent Histology 2005 Rs. 100
Daiya Mcq`s Oral Pathology Dental Students  2005 Rs. 70
De Sousa Notes In Medicine With Mcq`s Instr. 2001 Rs. 275
De Sousa Mcq`s In Anatomy  2002 Rs. 125
De Sousa Mcq`s In Pharmacology  2004 Rs. 125
De Sousa Notes In Psychiatry  2001 Rs. 80
De Sousa Psychiatry In Asia  2005 Rs. 500
De Sousa Viva Pharmacology Therapeutics  2000 Rs. 70
Goyle Mcq`s Physiology Biochemistry  2005 Rs. 70
Nadkarni Anatomy Physiology Illustrated  5E/07 Rs. 165
Nadkarni The Fast Tract Career  3E/04 Rs. 180
Patankar Histology Viva & Practicals  1E/04. Rs. 225
Shaikh Prin. Pract. Tropical Allergy Asthma  2006 Rs. 2995
Sharma Master Guide Medical Represt.  3E/06 Rs. 120
Barr The Human Nervous System  9./09 $ 59.95
Berman Color Atlas Of Basic Histology  3./03 $ 54.95
Bloom Concise Histology  2./02 $ 132.44
Carlson Human Embryology & Develo Biology  4./09 $ 72.95
Fehrenbach Illus Anatomy Of The Head & Neck  3./07 $ 62.95
Glasby Applied Surgical Anatomy $ 199.5
Gosling Human Anatomy  4./02 $ 77.95
Guy Learning Human Anatomy  3./05 $ 51.6
Haines Neuroanatomy  7./08 $ 39
Hartl Genetics Analysis Of Genes & Genomes  5ed $ 99.95
Hole Essential Of Human Anatomy & Physiology  1./06 $ 52.5
Larsen Human Embryology  4./09 $ 69.95
Memmler Structure & Function The Human Body 8./05 $ 41.95
Memmler The Human Body Health & Disease  10./05 $ 61.95
Metcalf Anatomy Answer Book  2006 $ 49.95
Moore Before We Are Bone  7./08 $ 30
Moore Essential Clinical Anatomy  3./07 $ 30
Motta C/a Of Microscopic Anatomy  1989 $ 39
Netter Atlas Of Human Embryology 1./02 $ 20
Netter Essential Histology  1./08 $ 71.95
Nolte The Human Brain  2./00 $ 44.95
Nolte The Human Brain  6./09 $ 67.95
O'Rahilly Human Embryology & Teratology  2./96 $ 225
Scalon Ess. Of Anatomy & Physiology  4./03 $ 40
SCott Operative Anatomy  3./09 $ 169
Seeley Essential Of Anatomy & Physiology  5./05 $ 27.95
Smith Recognizable Pattern Of Human Deformation $ 89
Snell Clinical Neuroanatomy  6./06 $ 30
Tallitsch Tallitsch- Histology An Indentification Manual $ 49.95
Tampro Diseases Of The Human Body  3./00 $ 33
TORTORA Principle Of Anatomy & Physio 2vols  12./09 $ 47.95
Tortora Principles Of Human Anatomy  9./02 $ 89
Warner Atlas Of Neuroanatomy 2001 $ 197
bourgery Atlas Of Human Anatomy & Surgery Pd 39.99
Emery Prin & Pract. Of Medical Genetics 3vols 4./02 Pd 392
evans Self Ass. Color Rev. Clinical Anatomy  2001 Pd 16.95
Fitzgearld Clinical Neuroanatomy & Related  4./02 Pd 17.99
Gosling C/a  & T/b Of Human Anatomy 5./08 Pd 19.99
gray Anatomy  40./08 Pd 38.5
Last Anatomy  11./06 Pd 12.99
Lumley Surface Anatomy 4./08 Pd 5.5
Mcminn Clinical Atlas Of Human Anatomy  6./08 Pd 20.99
mcminn The Human Skeleton  2./07 Pd 54.99
Moses Atlas Of Clinical Gross Anatomy  1./05 Pd 41.99
Pritchard Medical Genetics At A Glance 1./04 Pd 5
Russell Genetics A Molecular Approach  2./06 Pd 48.99
Turnpenny Emerys Elements Of Medical Gene.  2007 Pd 13
Whitaker Instant Anatomy  3./07 Pd 5.99
drews Color Atlas Of Embryology  2007 Eu 12
faller The Human Body  2004 Eu 19.95
Thieme Atlas Of Anatomy  2006 Eu 59.95
thieme Atlas Of Anatomy  2007 Eu 179.95
Ajmani Embalming Prin. & Legal Aspecte Rs. 105
Alleyne Protein Energy Malnutrition Rs. 125
Anand 1000 Mcq`s In Anatomy Rs. 65
anand Anatomy Today Pre. Man.of Anatomy Vol-1  2002 Rs. 350
Anand Anatomy Today Vol 2  2./03 Rs. 430
Anthony T/b Of Anatomy Physiology  18./07 Rs. 1395
Babu Ess. Of Clinical Anatomy  1./04 Rs. 350
chakraborty Fund Of Human Anatomy Vol 3  1./04 Rs. 465
Chakraborty Fund. Of Human Anatomy Vol2  2./03 Rs. 250
chakraborty Fund.human Anatomy Vol-i 2./05 Rs. 235
Chaurasia H/b Of General Anatomy  4./09 Rs. 150
Chaurasia Human Anatomy Vol 1 4./07 Rs. 300
Chaurasia  Human Anatomy Vol 2 4./04 Rs. 375
Chaurasia Human Anatomy Vol 3 4./08 Rs. 385
Cunningham Man Of Practical Anatomy Vol 1  15./08 Rs. 425
Cunningham Man Of Practical Anatomy Vol 2  15./06 Rs. 415
Cunningham Man Of Practical Anatomy Vol 3  15./07 Rs. 425
Datta Ess Of Human Anatomy  3./04 Rs. 250
Datta Ess Of Human Anatomy Head & Neck  4./07 Rs. 300
datta Ess. Human Embryology  5./07 Rs. 250
datta Ess. Human Ostology  2./05 Rs. 250
Datta Ess. Of Medical Genetics  3./08 Rs. 175
Datta Essen Of Human Anatomy (thorax & Abdo 8./08 Rs. 395
datta Essentials Of Neuroanatomy Part 4 3./07 Rs. 300
dERASARI Elem. Of Human Anatomy Phy & Heart 12./04 Rs. 158
Dixit Human Embryology  1./04 Rs. 220
ellis Clinical Anatomy Applied Anatomy  11./07 Rs. 1695
england Picture Test In Emrylogy 1989 Rs. 150
Faruqi H/b Of Osteology  1./08 Rs. 220
Gangane Human Genetics  3./08 Rs. 275
Gangane Viva Voce In Anatomy  2./06 Rs. 275
Gangane Voice Of Anatomy  2./07 Rs. 275
Gardner Human Genetics  1./08 Rs. 325
Gartner Color T/b Of Histology  3./07 Rs. 1045
Ghosh Essential Of Histology  1./98 Rs. 150
Gilroy Atlas Of Anatomy (ind)  1./08 Rs. 1395
grant Atlas Of Anatomy  12./09 Rs. 1095
Grant Dissector  14./09 Rs. 595
Gray Anatomy  1./07 Rs. 595
Gray Anatomy For Students  2005 Rs. 1745
Gray Dissec. Guide Human Anatomy  2009 Rs. 745
Gunasegaran T/b Of Histology & A Practical Guide Rs. 595
Halim Human Anatomy Abdom & Lower Limb Vol 2 1./08 Rs. 350
Halim Human Anatomy Head, Neck & Brain Vol 3  1./08 Rs. 325
Halim Human Anatomy Upp Lim & Thorax Vol 1  2./08 Rs. 180
Halim Surface & Radiological Anatomy  2./07 Rs. 160
Jain Human Anatomy Physiology Pharmacy  1./02 Rs. 180
Kadasne Appro. To Anatomy: Abdomen Thorax, Pelvis Rs. 140
Kadasne Approach To Anatomy: Head Neck Face Rs. 140
Kapur Ess. Of Surface & Radiological Anat. 1./94 Rs. 75
Karthikeyan Step By Step Cross Sectional Anat. 1./05 Rs. 525
Kazi Q & A Exam Or. Anatomy Below Diaph.  1./08 Rs. 320
Kazi  Que. & Ans Exam Oriented Anatomy Above Di Rs. 370
Khurana Anatomy & Physiology Of Eye  2./07 Rs. 995
Konuri Human Neuroanantomy  1./07 Rs. 195
kowles Solving Problems In Genetics  2006 Rs. 695
Kumar Surface & Imaging Anatomy  1./06 Rs. 125
marieb Human Anatomy Physiology  6./06 Rs. 1250
Mohajir Anatomy Basis Of Neuroscience Rs. 70
moni Fundamental Of Human Anatomy 1vol  2./04 Rs. 180
MONI Fundamental Of Human Anatomy 2vol  2./04 Rs. 275
moni Fundamental Of Human Anatomy 3vol 2./04 Rs. 250
Moore Developing Human Cl Oriented Anatomy 8./08 Rs. 1195
Nadkarni Anatomy & Physiology Illst. 5./07 Rs. 165
Netter Atlas Of Human Anatomy  4./06 Rs. 1295
Pal Basics Of Medical Genetics  1./03 Rs. 125
Pal Medical Genetics  1./09 Rs. 225
Pande Essential Of Human Embryology  1./07 Rs. 198
PAtankar Histology Viva & Pract.  1./04 Rs. 225
Pathak Easy Book Of Anatomy  2008 Rs. 225
Poddar Anatomy Of Central Nervous Syst.  9./07 Rs. 165
Poddar H/b Of Osteology  12./07 Rs. 125
read New Clinical Genetics 1./07 Rs. 795
Sadler Medical Embryology  10./06 Rs. 695
sant Embryology For Medical Students 2./08 Rs. 250
Sathyavan Ess. Of Neuroanatomy  1998 Rs. 160
Sawant Saqs In Anatomy  2./07 Rs. 125
shah Surgical Anatomy Simplified 1./02 Rs. 150
Singh Anatomy Of Head,neck & Brain  2009 Rs. 495
Singh Lesser Known Fact Of Anatomy  1./09 Rs. 310
Singh Prin.& Tecq In Hist. Mcroscopy & Phot. 1./06 Rs. 135
Singh T/b Of Anatomy Vol 1 1/08.(general Anatomy Rs. 425
SINGH T/b Of Anatomy With Colorr Atlas Vol 3  4./07 Rs. 350
sINGH T/b Of Anatomy With Colour Atlas Vol 1  4./07 Rs. 350
sINGH T/b Of Anatomy With Colour Atlas Vol 2  4./07 Rs. 350
Singh T/b Of Clinical Neuroanatomy  2008 Rs. 425
Singh T/b Of Human Histology With C/a  5./08 Rs. 350
Singh T/b Of Human Neuroanatomy  7./06 Rs. 325
Singh T/b Of Human Osteology  2./06 Rs. 160
Sit Oriented Section & Surface Anatomy Rs. 325
Snell Clinical Anatomy By Regions  8./08 Rs. 1495
Sobotto Atlas Of Human Anatomy 1 Vol Edition  14./08 Rs. 3295
Surzycki Lab Manual Human Molecular Biology  1./03 Rs. 495
tANK Atlas Of Anatomy  1./09 Rs. 895
The Encyclopedic Atlas Of The Human Body  1./06 Rs. 1795
Thompson Genetics In Medicine  7./07 Rs. 1595
Yatiraj Anantomy Solved Ques Paper  2004 Rs. 210
Yatiraj Prep Manual Anatomy  6./08 Rs. 450
zagar Essentials Of Osteology 2./05 Rs. 175
Zargar Human Embryology  1./08 Rs. 295
Baynes Medical Biochemistry  2./05 Pd 16.5
Berg Biochemistry  2007 Pd 42.99
Champe Lipp. Illustrated Review Of Bioche.  4./08 Rs. 995
Chatterjea T/b Of Medical Biochemistry  7./07 Rs. 650
Conn Outline Of Biochemistry  5./07 Rs. 379
Dandekar Medical Biochemistry  2./04 Rs. 325
Dandekar Prac. & Viva In Medical Bioche  2005 Rs. 175
Das Biochemistry  12./05 Rs. 375
De Selected Questions With Ans In Biochemistry  2005 Rs. 110
Deb Fund. Of Biochemistry  2008 Rs. 535
Deb T/b Of Biochemistry  1./07 Rs. 350
Deb Viva & Practical Biochemistry  2005 Rs. 150
Devlin T/b Of Biochemistry  6./06 $ 64.95
Gaw Clinical Biochemistry  2008 Pd 25.99
Godkar Clinical Biochemistry Prin. & Prac.  1994 Rs. 375
Guota Manual Of Practical Biochemistry For MbbS Rs. 200
Gupta Aids To Pg Surgery  1989 Rs. 75
Gupta T/b Of Biochemistry  1./09 Rs. 495
Harper Illust. Biochemistry  27./06 $ 13.5
Horton Principles Of Biochemistry  4./06 Pd 45.99
Jain Fundamental Of Biochemistry  1./07 Rs. 550
kulkarni Biochemistry  2./99 Rs. 75
Lal A T/b Of Biochemistry  1./08 Rs. 330
Lehinger Prin. Of Bichemistry  5./08 Pd 17.99
Lieberman Marks Essentials Of Medical Bioch.  2007 $ 54.95
mahapatra Ques. In Human Biochemistry  2006 Rs. 85
Malhotra Biochemistry For Stud.  11./03 Rs. 150
Malhotra Mcq In Biochemistry Rs. 75
Marshall Clinical Biochemistry Metabolic &  2./08 Pd 25
Meisenberg Princ Of Medical Biochemistry  2./07 $ 65.95
Naik Biochemistry 2./07 Rs. 525
Panda H/b Of Biochemstiry  1./05 Rs. 80
Pattabiraman T/b Of Biochemistry 2./06 Rs. 295
Pattabiraman Viva Voce In Biochemistry Theory Rs. 145
Pattabirman Concise T/b Of Biochemistry  3./08 Rs. 145
Pratt Essential Of Biochemistry  2004 $ 30.95
Puri T/b Of Medical Biochemistry  2./06 Rs. 595
Rajagopal Concise T/b Of Biochemsitry  1./06 Rs. 325
Rajagopal Practical Biochemistry Medi,dental  2./05 Rs. 150
Ramakrishnan T/b Of Medical Biochemistry 3./01 Rs. 450
RAo T/b Of Biochemistry  10./08 Rs. 255
Roy T/b Of Biophysics  2005 Rs. 265
salgar Viva In Biochemistry  1./06 Rs. 50
Salway Medical Biochemistry At A Glance 2./06 Rs. 695
Satyanarayan Biochemistry  3./08 Rs. 595
Satyanarayan Biochemistry Review  1./04 Rs. 160
Satyanarayan Ess. Of Biochemistry  2./08 Rs. 445
satyanarayan Funda.of Biochemistry  1./08 Rs. 325
shanmugam Fund. Of Biochemistry For Med. Stu  7./06 Rs. 300
Sharma Practical Medical Biochemistry  1./07 Rs. 125
Shetty Biochemistry For Physiotherapy & Allied  2008 Rs. 350
Siddiqi H/b Of Biochemistry  2004 Rs. 85
Singh Practical Manual Of Biochemistry 5./04 Rs. 160
Singh Viva In Biochemistry  3./05 Rs. 90
Stenesh T/b Of Biochemistry Core Topics Rs. 395
Swaminathan H/b Of Clinical Biochemistry. 3./05 Rs. 750
Thabrew Biochemistry For Clinical Med 1./01 Rs. 325
Varley Practical Clinical Bioche.  2006 Rs. 2095
Vasudevan T/b Of Biochemistry  5./08 Rs. 525
Voet Biochemistry  3./04 $ 54.95
Voet Fund. Of Biochemistry  2./06 $ 39.95
Voet Principles Of Biochemistry  3./08 $ 49.95
West T/b Of Biochemistry 4./74 Rs. 430
White Prin. Of Biochemistry  6./04 Rs. 1595
Who Guidelines For The Mgmt Of Sexually Transmit Rs. 95
wilson Princ. & Tech Of Biochemistry & Molecu. 6./08 Rs. 425
Community Dentistry
Andrews Practice Management For D/H 2007 $ 50.95
Anil Infection Control Dental Practice 2006 Rs. 150
Ashok Public Health & Preventive Dent.  02/06. Rs. 195
Axelsson Preventive Materials Method & Pro. 2004 Pd 132
Burt Dentistry, Dental Practice & Community  06/05. $ 58.95
Cappelli  Preven In Clinical Oral Health Care  2008 $ 58.95
Chandra Mcq`s Dental Anatomy Histology & Embryology 2007 Rs. 125
Chandra Mcq`s Community Preventive Dent. 2006 Rs. 150
Chandra T/b Of Community Dentistry (Reprint) 2007 Rs. 350
Chandra T/b Of Preventive Dentistry (Reprint) 2003 Rs. 175
Christen Tobacco & Your Oral Health 1997 Pd 16
Christensen A Cosumers Guide To Dentistry 2E/02 $ 60.95
Croser Cross Infection Cont. Gene. Dent. Pract. 1989 Pd 20
Croucher Achieving Oral Health  3./02 Pd 27.99
Curzon Diet, Nutrition & Dental Health 2009 Pd 29.99
Daly Ess Dental Public Health 2002 Rs. 395
Dasar Mcq`s In Preventive Community Dent.  2007 Rs. 195
Debnath Ashok`s Public Health & Prev. Dent. 2E/06 Rs. 195
Ellen Safety Standards Infection Control D/A 2008 $ 56.95
Ellen Safety Standards Infection Control D/H 2002 $ 70.95
Finkbeiner Pract. Mgmt. Dental Team,  6./06 $ 63.95
Freeman Communicating Dental Practice 2006 Pd 28
Gagliardi Dental Health Education, 2./07 $ 38.4
Garant Oral Cells & Tissues 2003 Pd 68
Geurink Comm. Oral Health Prct Dent. Hyg. 2/08. $ 63.95
Gluck Jong`s Community Dental Health 5./03 Rs. 450
Harris Primary Preventive Dentistry 6./04 $ 78.6
Hiremath T/b Of Preventive & Comm. Dentis.  2009 Rs. 725
Hollins Basic Guide to Dental Procedure 2008 Pd 19.99
Jayaprakash A Short T/b Of Prev.& Com. Dent. 2004 Rs. 250
Jayaprakash Mcq`s Community Dentistry 2005 Rs. 160
Jayaprakash Solved Papers Comm. Dent. 2004 Rs. 75
John Preventice & Comm. Dentistry  2./07 Rs. 395
Karmegam First Aid To Commu. & Preve. Den  1./04 Rs. 95
Kent Achieving Oral Health 2002 Pd 18.99
Kidd Ess. of Dental Caries 3E/06 Rs. 595
Kim Biostatistics For Oral Healthcare  2008 $ 129.99
lippincott Lippincott- Ecg Interpretatio Incredibly Easy 4./08 Rs. 395
Mason Concepts Dental Public Health  2005 $ 53.95
Miller Infection Control 3E/05 $ 48.95
Moss Growing Up Cavity Free 1993 Pd 13
Mostofsky Behavioural Dentistry 2006 Pd 39.95
Murray Prevention Of Oral Diseases 4./03 Rs. 1895
Nathe Dental Public Health  2./05 $ 55.6
Odell Cl. Problem Solving In Dentistry (Reprint) 2E/05 Pd 15
Paarmann Pain Control 2008 $ 55.95
Palmer Diet & Nutrition Oral Health  2./07 $ 62.2
Pankhurst Basic Gde. To Infection Prevention & Control In Den. 2009 Pd 19.99
Peter Ess. Of Prev. & Commu. Denti.  3./08 Rs. 575
Pine Community Oral Health 2007 Pd 50
Prabu Community Dentistry  1./09 Rs. 195
Rao T/b Of Community Dentistry 2E/07 Rs. 299
Rao T/b Of Community Dentistry 2./07 Rs. 299
Saravanan Mcq`s In Community Dentistry  2006 Rs. 100
Sarver Esthetic Orthodontics & Orthognathic  Rs. 3995
Scheller Bsic Guide to Dental Instrument 2006 Pd 21.5
Scully A B C Of Oral Health  2001 Pd 11
Shivakumar Preventive & Community Dent. 2006 Rs. 95
Siegel Treat. Of Common Oral Conditions 6./06 $ 24.95
Sikri Community Dentistry 2007 Rs. 440
Soben Peter Ess. Community Dentistry  3E/06 Rs. 575
Sroda Nutrition For A Healthy  Mouth 2006 $ 54.95
Vivekanand Manual Community Dentistry 2004 Rs. 160
Yadav Aids & Oral Health 2006 Rs. 250
Dental Anatomy & Oral Histology
Ash Wheeler's Dental Anatomy Phy. Occl. 8E/06 Rs. 695
Avery Ess. Oral Histology Embryology  (F) 3E/06 $ 61.95
Avery Essential Oral Histology Embryology (ind) 3E/06 Rs. 595
Avery Oral Development Histology  3./02 Rs. 1785
Balogh Dental Embryology,histology & Anatomy  2./06 $ 62.95
Bansal BDS & CBS Exam Anatomy for D. S. 2007 Rs. 175
Bansal BDS & CBS Exam Phys. Biochemistry  2008 Rs. 175
Bansal Bds & Cbs Ex. Oral Histology, 1./07 Rs. 175
Basak Con. Huam Physiology For Dental Student  2007 Rs. 395
Bath Balogh Illus. Dental Emb. Hist. Ant.,  2./06 $ 62.95
Berkovitz Oral Anatomy Histology Embry. (F) 3E/02 Pd 30
Bhagwath  Oral Ant,occlusion,oral Histo & Emb (Ind) 2008 Rs. 195
Bhalaji Dental Anatomy 2E/05 Rs. 475
Bhatia Anatomy for MBBS BDS 2008 Rs. 120
Bivij Dental Anatomy  2E/03 Rs. 195
Bokariya Histology For Dental Students 2008 Rs. 395
Bradley Essentials of Oral Physiology  1995 $ 6
Brand Anatomy Of Orofacial Structure  2003 $ 68.95
Chandra MCQ Head Neck Anatomy for D. S. 2007 Rs. 95
Chandra MCQ's Physiology Dental Students 2007 Rs. 95
Chandra T/B Dental Anatomy Physiology  2004 Rs. 295
Chandra T/B Dental Oral Histology  2004 Rs. 525
Chandra Mcq`s In Dental Anatomy Hist, Embry,  2007 Rs. 150
Chary Practical Biochemistry Med. & D. S. 2004 Rs. 125
Chatterjee Ess. of Oral Histology 2006 Rs. 150
Chatterjee T/B of Biochemistry Dental Nsg. 2E/04 Rs. 275
Chaurasia Human Anatomy for B. D. S. 2007 Rs. 595
Choudhary Synopsis Of Dental Ant & Oral Histo  2009 Rs. 110
Choudhary Synopsis Of Physiology For Dental Stude Rs. 125
Choudhary Synopsis Biochemistry D/s  2009 Rs. 150
Choudhary Synopsis Of Anatomy D/s 2009 Rs. 125
Daiya Concise Manual Anatomy Histology  2005 Rs. 100
Das Dental Anatomy & Oral Histology  2008 Rs. 150
Dubrul Sicher Oral Anatomy  8./98 Rs. 325
Faruqi Osteology Dental Students 2006 Rs. 130
Fehrenbach Illustr. Anatomy Head Neck  3E/07 $ 59.95
Geetha T/b Of Physiology For Dental Student  2009 Rs. 350
Gupta Man Of Practical Biochemistry For Bds  2006 Rs. 125
Halim Anatomy Regional & Cli For Dental Stud.  2008 Rs. 230
Halim Anatomy Of Head & Neck Dental Med.  2./09 Rs. 270
Harbans Lal T/B Biochemistry D. S. 3E/06 Rs. 210
Hiatt T/b Of Head & Neck Anatomy  3./02 $ 42
I B Singh Anatomy for D. S. 2E/03 Rs. 325
Jain Manual Practical Phys. B D S  2E/07 Rs. 450
Jose Man Of Oral Histology & Oral Patho 2009 Rs. 295
Kapoor Physiology Practical Manual Dental Students 2004 Rs. 210
Khurana T/b Of Human Physiology For Dental Std Rs. 545
Kumar Orban's Oral Histology & Embryology 12E/08 Rs. 745
Kumar Dental Anatomy & Tooth Morpho. 2004 Rs. 125
Liebgott The Anatomical Basis Of Dentistry  2./01 $ 85.95
Manipal T/b Of Biochemistry For Dental Std  2007 Rs. 195
Marya T/B of Physiology for D. S. 2E/06 Rs. 275
Miles Cl. Oral Physiology 2004 Pd 50
Moni Anatomy for Dental Students 2E/04 Rs. 350
Motta C/A Microscopic Anatomy  1989 Eu 40
Nanci Oral Histology 7./08 Rs. 1095
Nigoskar Biochemistry for Dental Students 2007 Rs. 150
Norton Netter's Head Neck Anatomy Dentistry 2007 $ 44.95
Pal T/B Practical Physiology Dental Students 2007 Rs. 250
Pal Medical Genetics For Dental Students  2009 Rs. 150
Panda Physiology for D. S. 2003 Rs. 110
Prabhu T/B of Oral & Maxillofacial Anatomy 2005 Rs. 550
Prasad Ess. Dental Anatomy Physiology  Rs. 120
Reddy Human Physiology For Dental Student  2009 Rs. 695
Riviere Lab Manual Normal Oral Histology 2000 Pd 24
Rooban Mcq`s In Oral Histology Embryology 2006 Rs. 125
Scheid Dental Anatomy 7./07 $ 66.95
Sharma T/B Biochemistry Dental Students  2E/04 Rs. 150
Short Head Nek & Dental Anatoy  3E/02 $ 72.95
Singh T/B of Dental Biochemistry 2E/05 Rs. 200
Tandan T/B of Physiology for D. S. 5E/05 Rs. 295
Tencate Oral Histology  7./08 Rs. 1095
Tripathi Con. T/b Of Physi. For Dental Std  1./07 Rs. 365
Vasudevan T/B of Biochemistry for D. S. 2007 Rs. 295
Wadhwan Practical Man Of Oral Ant & Oral Histo  2008 Rs. 150
Wheeler Dental Ant,physio & Occlusion  8./09 Rs. 655
Woelfel Dental Anatomy  (F) 7./07 $ 69.95
Woelfel Dental Anatomy (Indian) 5./97 Rs. 350
Zargar Anatomy for Dental Students 2006 Rs. 425
Dental Assisting & Hygiene
Anderson The Dental Assistant  7E/01 $ 143.95
Andrews  Practice Magt For Dental Hygienist  2007 $ 46.95
Beemsterboer Ethics Law Dental Hygiene  2002 $ 42.95
Bird Torres Modern Dental Assist. 9/Ed. $ 127
Botticelli Experience Is Best Teacher  2002 Pd 25
Brian Complete Review Of Dental Hygien. 2002 $ 45.67
Clark H/b Of Nitrous Oxide & Oxygen Sedation 3E/08 $ 46.95
Collins H/b Dental Hygienists  4E/05 Pd 36.99
Daniel Mosby`s Dental Hygiene 2E/08 $ 86.95
Darby Dental Hygiene Theory Prct. 2E/03 $ 88.95
Darby Mosby`s Compreh. Dental Hygiene 6E/06 $ 79.95
Dietz Materials Proced. Today Dental Assistant  6ed $ 56.95
Ellen Safety Standards & Infection Control  2002 $ 70.95
Erride Self Ass. Q & A Dental Assisting  2E/98 Pd 15.99
Finkbeiner Compren. Dental Assisting 1995 $ 48.95
Finkbeiner Pract. Mgmt. For The Dent. Team, 4./96 Rs. 450
Gaylor Administrative Dental Assistant, 2000 $ 68.95
Ibsen Oral Pathology For The Dental Hyg. 5./09 $ 82.95
Ireland Clinical T/b Dental Hygiene Therapy 2006 Pd 49.99
Kimbrough Ethics Prct. Magt Dental Hygiene 2003 $ 36.2
Kimbrough Ethics Jurisprud Prct Magt Hyg  2./07 $ 49
Mathur Aesthetic & Cosmetic Dent. Made Easy 2008 Rs. 295
Mitchell Clinical Primer P.G. Dental Assisting 2006 $ 39.95
Novak Contempor. Dental Assisting 2001 $ 64.95
Phinney Delmar`s H/b Ess. Proced. Dental Assisting 2002 $ 43.95
Phinney Dental Assisting : A Comp. Appr. 3./08 $ 108.95
Rethman Prevention Strategies for Oral Health 2009 Pd 34.95
Robinson Essential Dental Assisting  4E/07 $ 64.95
Schostok Contemp,dentel Hygi. Prac Vol 1 1988 Pd 45
Schuster H/b Clinical Dental Assisting  1999 $ 24.95
Stegeman Dental Hyg Guide Nutritional Care  2E/05 $ 49.95
Tomko National Dental Hygienist Licensure Exam $ 49.95
Weinberg Compre. Period. Dental Hygienist 2./06 $ 70.2
Wilkins Little Book Dental Hygienists Rule  1998 $ 14.95
Wilkins Clinical Practice Of The Dental Hygienist $ 94.95
Dental Materials
Anusavice Phillip`s Science Of Dent Materials 11E/05 Rs. 995
Bansal BDS & CBS Exam Dental Materials 2007 Rs. 175
Bhat Science Of Dental Materials Cl. Appl. 2006 Rs. 525
Boyd Dental Instrument Pocket Guide 2E/05 Rs. 495
Chadwick Dental Erosion 34E/06 Pd 28
Chakravarthy Dental Instruments 2008 Rs. 275
Chandra Mcq`s In Dental Materials 2006 Rs. 95
Chandra T/b Of Dental Materials With MCQs 2003 Rs. 295
Choudhary  Synopsis Of Dental Material 1./09 Rs. 195
Craig  Restorative Dental Meterials  12./06 Rs. 655
Crean Clinical Short Answer Questions 2007 Pd 32
Dabas  Science Of Dental Materials 1./09 Rs. 250
Dhuru Contemporary Dental Material 2004 Rs. 495
Dietz Materials Proced. Today Dental Assistant  2006 $ 56.95
E. p Notes 1st Bds Dental Materials  2005 Rs. 100
Eliades Dental Materials In VIVA 2003 Pd 76
Ferracane Materials In Dentistry 2E/01 $ 52.95
Gladwin Clinical Aspects Dental Materials 3./09 $ 64.95
Gowri Sankar Synopsis Of Dental Materials 2004 Rs. 250
Gupta Mastering The Bds 1st Year 2./07 Rs. 175
Hatrick Hatrick- Dental Materials  1./03 $ 57.95
Hollins Basic Guide To Dental Procedures 2008 $ 39.99
Hussain T/b Of Dental Materials 2004 Rs. 310
Koudi/Patil Dental Materials Prep Manual U.G. 2007 Rs. 275
Lww Dental Instrument Pocket Guide 2008 $ 38.95
Manappallil Basic Dental Materials 2E/04 Rs. 350
Mccabe Applied Dental Materials  9./08 $ 73.95
Nejad Viva In Dental Materials (Reprint) 2E/04 Rs. 60
O'brien Dental Materials & Their Selection 3E/02 Pd 44
Parameswaran Materials Restorative Dentistry 2001 Rs. 150
Patil Dental Materials : Preparatory Manual for U.G. 2007 Rs. 250
Powers Restorative Dental Materials 12E/06 Rs. 745
Powers Dental Materials Propt. Manipulate 9E/08 $ 57.95
Rakesh Dental Materials  2005 Rs. 195
Scheller Basic Guide to Dental Matarial 2009 Pd 19.99
Schmalz  Biocompatibility Of Dent,materials  1./09 Eu 149.95
Simons Hypnosis & Communi. In Dent.pra. 2007 Pd 38
Soratur Ess. Of Dental Materials 2002 Rs. 225
Soratur Viva In Dental Materials 2004 Rs. 125
Srivatsa Dental Materials Q&A for 1st BDS (Reprint) 2005 Rs. 175
Subbarao Dental Materials  5E/07 Rs. 325
Tyagi Ess. Of Dental Materials 2004 Rs. 200
Van Noort Intro. To Dental Materials 3E/07 Pd 41.99
Bhatnagar Essential Human Embryology  3E/02 Rs. 300
Cochard Netter's Atlas Human Embryology  2002 $ 27
Datta Ess.of Human Embryology 5E/05 Rs. 250
Dixit Human Embryology  2004 Rs. 220
I.B. Singh Human Embryology  8E/07 Rs. 385
Moore Before We Are Born 7E/08 $ 29
Moore The Developing Human  8E/08 Rs. 1095
Pande Essentials of Human Embryology  2007 Rs. 198
Sadler Langman's Medical Embryology 10E/06 Rs. 695
Sant Embryology Medical Students  2002 Rs. 225
Schoenwolf Larsen's Human Embrology  4E/09 $ 69.95
Beer C A Of Dental Medicine Endodontol (pb)  1./07 Eu 24.95
Beer C A Of Dental Medicine Endodontolo (hb)  1./99 Eu 199
Beer Pkt Atlas Of Endodontics  1./06 Eu 16.95
Bellizzi A C/A Of Endodontic Surgery 1991 Pd 42
Bergenholtz T/b of Endodontology 2003 Pd 81.99
Chandra Mcq`s Operative Dent. Endodontics 2006 Rs. 150
Chandra T/B of Endodontics With MCQ 2007 Rs. 295
Chong Managing Endodontic Fail. In Pract. 2004 Pd 28
Choudary Preclinical Conservative Dentistry 2006 Rs. 60
Cohen Pathways Of The Pulp  9E/06 Rs. 2395
Dabas T/b Of Conservative Dentistry 2008 Rs. 495
Dabas T/b Of Endodontics 2007 Rs. 695
Fouad Endodontic Microbiology 2009 Pd 94.99
Garg T/b Of Endodontics 2007 Rs. 595
grossman Endodontic Practice  11./08 Rs. 450
Gupta Exam Oriented Operative Endodontics 2008 Rs. 350
Gutman Surgical Endodontics  1999 Rs. 695
Gutmann Problem Solving Endodontics  4E/06 $ 101
Gutmann Problem Solving In Endodontic (ind)  4./06 Rs. 4495
Hargreaves Seltzer Dental Pulp  2002 Pd 70
harty Endodontics In Clinical Practice  5./04 Pd 18.5
Hegde Endodontics Prep Man For Ug  1./09 Rs. 445
Hegde Step By Step Root Canal Treatment  1./06 Rs. 395
Hegde Endodontics: Prep Manual For U.g.,  2008 Rs. 445
Hegde T/b Of Endodontics  2009 Rs. 695
Hulsmann Problms In Endodontics 1./09 Eu 280
Ingle Endodontics 6E/08 Rs. 2495
Johnson C/a Of Endodontics  2002 $ 189
Johnson C A Of Endodontics (ind)  1./02 Rs. 3995
Kim C/a Microsurgery Endodontics 2001 $ 220
Lumley Practical Clinical Endodontics 1./06 Pd 41.99
Mannocci Adhesive Restore. Endodontic Teeth 2008 Pd 28
Manogue The Principles Of Endodontics  2006 Rs. 695
Mathur H/b Of Clinical Endodontics 1./08 Rs. 350
Orstavik Essential Endodontology 2./08 $ 179.99
Parmar Edge New MCQ Conservative Dentistry 2005 Rs. 140
Pittford Endodontics Problem Solving Dentistry 2003 Pd 80
Pittford Harty Endodontics In Clinical, 5./04 Pd 18.5
Rateitschak C/A of Dental Med. Endodontics 1999 Eu 199
Reddy Notes Operative Dent Endodontics 2008 Rs. 395
Rehman Notes Endodontics Q & A Review 2006 Rs. 75
Rhodes Advanced Endodontics 2006 Pd 95
Romanos Immediate Loading End. Implants 2005 Pd 53
S.Narayanan Troubleshoot In Endodontics 2000 Rs. 295
Seltzer's The Dental Pulp  3./02 Rs. 335
Sikri Indirect Restorations 2007 Rs. 795
Stock Endodontics  3E/04 Pd 134
Stockdale Endodontic Surgery  1992 Pd 15
Torabinejad Endodontics Princ, Prct  4./09 Rs. 1695
Torabinejad  Endodontics Princ. & Pract., 4./09 $ 109
Tronstad Clinical Endodontics a T/B (Reprint) 2E/03 Eu 49.95
Tronstad Cl. Endodontics A T/b, 2./03 Rs. 955
Trope Endodontics Manual General Dentistry 2005 Pd 44
Trowbridge Inflammation : A Review Pocess,  5./97 Pd 30
Walmsley Restorative Dentistry  2./09 Rs. 2995
Walton Endodontics Principles & Practice (With CD-ROM) 4E/09 $ 109
Weine Endodontic Therapy (ind)  6E/04 Rs. 3995
Weine Endodontic Therapy  6./04 $ 109
Weine Endodontic Therapy   6./09 Rs. 3995
Ent & Otolaryngology
Al-abdulhadi Manual Of Clinical Otorhin.  1./08 Rs. 550
Alper Advanced Therapy Of Otitis Media  2004 $ 156.95
Anon Anatomy Of The Paranasal Sinuses  1996 Eu 159.95
Bailey Head & Neck Surgery 2 Vols  4./06 $ 439
Ballenger Otolaryngology Head & Neck Sur 2009 $ 199
Bell Pediatric Otolaryngology  2007 $ 72.95
Bluestone Targeted Therapies Otitis Media  2003 $ 20.95
Dhanda Viva In Otolaryngology  2008 Rs. 200
Dhingra Disease Of Ent  4./09 Rs. 595
Glasscock Surgery Of The Ear  5./07 Rs. 1950
Grillo Surgery Of The Trachea  2004 $ 208.95
Hamid Medical Otology & Neurotology 2006 Eu 99.95
Harold Abc Ear,nose & Throat  5./07 $ 47.95
Hasselt Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma  2./99 Pd 68.5
Hazarika Clinical & Operative Methods In Ent  2005 Rs. 1295
hazarika T/b Of Ent & Head & Neck Surgery  2./09 Rs. 850
Hoefflin Ethnic Rhinoplasty  1998 Eu 299
Hussain Otolaryngology  2./08 Rs. 1195
Jackler Neurotology  2./05 $ 265
Juvekar Short Notes In Ent  2006 Rs. 175
Lang Clinical Anatomy Of The Masticatory  1995 Eu 159
Lee Ess. Otolaryngology Head & Neck Sur  2003 $ 33.95
Lore An Atlas Of Head & Neck Surgery  4./09 Rs. 9995
Maheshwari T/b Of Ent  2003 Rs. 250
Maqbool T/b Of Ent  11./07 Rs. 425
May The Facial Nerve  2000 Eu 199
Menick Nasal Reconstruction  2009 Pd 160
Myers Operative Otolaryngology 2 Vols  2./08 $ 439
Panda Short Notes & Short Cases In Ent  2003 Rs. 80
Ramalingam A Short Practice Of Otorhino. Rs. 529
Ramanjaneyulu Diseases Of The Ent  3./02 Rs. 195
Roland Ototoxicity  2004 $ 104.95
Roychaudhari Disease Of The Ent  2001 Rs. 150
Saha Basics & Clinical Methods In Ent  2./08 Rs. 235
Sekhar Cranial Microsurgery  1999 Eu 299
Shah Clinical Ent  2004 Rs. 350
Shah Ess. Of E N T Examination Rs. 275
Shan Local Flaps In Facial Reconst.  2007 $ 259
Singh Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery  2002 Rs. 2995
Stell Head & Neck Surgery 4./00 Pd 40
Tardy Rhinoplasty The Art & Science 2 Vols  1997 $ 499
Tebbetts Primary Rhinoplasty  2./08 $ 349
Turner Dis Of Nose ,throat & Ear  10./06 Rs. 295
Varshney Oto-rhino-laryngology (ent) & Head  Rs. 50
Water Otolaryngology  2006 Eu 79.95
Esthetic Dentistry
Adolfi Natural Esthetics 2002 Pd 71
Ahmad  Proto. Predi. Aesthetic Dental Restora  1./06 Pd 49.5
Ahmed Esthetic Dentistry in Clinical Practice 2009 Pd 79.99
Aschheim Esthetic Dentistry  2E/01 $ 238
Askary Fund. Esthetic Implant Dentistry  2007 $ 139.99
Bartlett Aesthetic Dentistry 2005 Pd 28
Branemark Osseeointeg. & Esthetics 2006 Pd 71
Chu Fund. Of Color Esthetic Dentistry 2004 Pd 47
Chu Chu - Fund. Of Color Esthetic Dentistry, 1/04 1./04 Pd 47
Dale  Esthetic Dentistry  2./01 $ 238
Dietschi Adhesive Metal Free Rest.  1999 Pd 69
Goldstein Esthetics Dentistry,  Vol - 1  2E/98 $ 320
Goldstein Esthetics In Dentistry,  Vol - 2  2E/02 $ 343
Goldstein Imaging the Esthetic Dentistry 1998 Pd 51
Hidaka Hidaka - Solutions For Dental Esthetics  1./08 Pd 78
Kina Invisible Esthetic Ceramic Restoration  1./08 $ 295
Korson Aesthetic Design Ceramic Restor. 1994 Pd 52
Kwon Kwon - Tooth White. In Esthe. Denti. 2 Vols. 1./09 Eu 118
Massironi Precision Dental Esthetics 2007 Pd 157
Mathur Aesthetic & Cosmetic Dentistry Made Ea  1./08 Rs. 295
Matory Ethnic Considerat. Facial Aesth Sur. 1998 $ 229
Paravina Esthetic Colour Training  2004 $ 74.95
Rufenacht Fundamentals Of Esthetics 1992 Pd 111
Rufenacht Princ. Esthetic Integration  2000 Pd 88
Rule Ethical Questions In Dentistry  2E/04 Pd 21
Sidney Sidney - Invisible Esthc Ceramic Restorations  2008 $ 295
Touati Esthetic Dentistry & Ceramic Restorat  1./99 Rs. 5995
General Dentistry
A D A PDR Guide Dental Therapeutics  4E/06 $ 69.95
Addy Tooth Wear & Sensitivity  1./00 Rs. 4595
Aitbs Pkt Dental Dictionary, 1./03 Rs. 125
Albers Tooth Colored Restoratives  9./02 $ 52.95
Anderson The Dental Assistant  7./01 $ 117.95
Anusavice Quality Evaluation Of Dental 1./87 Pd 75
Attanasio Dental Mgmt. of Sleep Disorders 2009 Pd 54.99
Baart Local Anaesthesia in Dentistry 2008 Pd 34.99
Bain Treat Planning General Dental Prct.  2003 Pd 39.99
Bal Mcq`s In Dentistry, 2002 Rs. 160
Bansal Approach To Clinical Dentistry 2003 Rs. 75
Bennett Medical Emergencies In Dentistry 2002 $ 75.95
Berkowitz Cleft Lip & Palate Diag. Magt. 2E/97 Eu 369
Berman  Clin Gd To Dental Traumatology  1./07 $ 120
Bhagat Dental Care for Children 2008 Rs. 325
Bhatia  Mental Health Problems Dentistry  2009 Rs. 250
Borea Life Theatening Emergencies Dentistry  1988 $ 39.95
Boyd Dental Instruments A Pkt Guide  2005 Rs. 495
Bridges Dental Reception Practice Magt. 2006 Pd 29.5
Brown Clinician Guide To Diag. & Treatment 2002 Pd 17.99
Bruke Preparing For Dental Practice  2004 Pd 25.99
Bruneette Critical Thinking  2007 Pd 25
Bucking Dental Treasure Chest  2007 Pd 128
Burke Preparing for Dental Practice 2004 Pd 27.99
Busscher Oral Biofilms Plaque Control  1998 Pd 85
Chestnutt P/C Clinical Dentistry  2E/05 Pd 8
Christensen Consumer Gd To Dentistry  2./02 $ 60.95
Clarkson Evidence Based Dentistry  2003 Rs. 1595
Comer Delmar`s Criti. Care: Nsg. Care Plans,  2ed $ 62.95
Coulthard Master Denistry,  Vol - 1 2004 Pd 25.99
Croser Cross Infection Cont. Gene. Dental Practice 1989 Pd 20
Curtis Hand to Mouth Art Dentistry 2002 Pd 27
Dabas Advances In Dentistry,  Vol - 1 2005 Rs. 795
Dabas Advances In Dentistry,  Vol - 2  2006 Rs. 795
Dabas Advances In Dentistry,  Vol - 3 2007 Rs. 795
Dabas Basics Of Dentistry 2005 Rs. 350
Datarkar Exodontia Practice 2007 Rs. 795
Davison Legal Ethical Consid. Hygiene Assisting 2000 $ 42.95
Dcruz Legal Aspects General Dental Practice 2006 Pd 38.99
Delmar H/b Of Ess. Skills & Proc. For Chairside D $ 43.95
Dental Index Dental Index 2006 2006 Rs. 175
Dhawan Review Of Dentistry - Vol.1, 2002 Rs. 295
Dhawan Review Of Dentistry - Vol.2,  2002 Rs. 295
Dietz Materials & Procedures For Today  2006 $ 56.95
Drum Imagines Demonstrandae  1970 $ 50
Drummond C/a Text Dental Care Elderly 1995 Pd 81
Duarte  Quintessence Of Dental Technology,  1./09 Pd 58
Dunning Dental Practice Transition  1./08 $ 69.99
Engleman Clinical Decision Making & Treat. Planni Pd 58
Enoch Psychiatric Disorders Dental Practice  1994 Pd 29.99
Erridge Self Ass. Que. & Ans For Dental Ass.  1998 Pd 15.99
Fejerskav Dental Caries  2./08 $ 164.95
Felton Basic Guide to Oral Health Education & Promotion 2008 Pd 19.99
Finkbeiner Prct. Magt. Dental Team  6E/06 $ 61.95
finkbeiner Comp. Dental Assisting  1./95 $ 39.95
Finkbeiner  Mosby Review Q & A For Dental $ 46.95
Fiske Special Care Dentistry 42E/07 Pd 28
Forrest Guide Successful Dental Practice  1984 Pd 12.95
Fortune Human Diseases for Dentistry 2004 Pd 31.99
Gage Mosby's Dental Drug Reference 7E/05 Rs. 850
Gagliardi Dental Health Education  2./07 $ 38.4
Ganda Dentist`s Guide To Medical Condi. & Com.  $ 79.95
Gawkrodger Human Diseases for Dentistry 2009 Pd 34.5
Gaylor Administrative Dental Assistant  2000 $ 54.95
Giannobile Clinical Research in Oral Health 2009 Pd 47.5
Girdler Clinical Sedation in Dentistry 2009 Pd 34.99
Glazebrook Happiness Fulfilment Dentistry 1988 Pd 11
Glick What Your Dentist Does Keep Dental 1996 Pd 14
Goldstein Change Your Smile, 2./88 $ 40
Greenwood T/b of Human Diseases for Dentistry 2009 Pd 39.99
Grohmann Dragon Teeth & Parrot Beaks  Pd 13
Gupta Dental Differential Diagnosis 2002 Rs. 250
Gupta Gateway Encyl. Dental Science,  Vol - 1  2005 Rs. 210
Gupta Gatway MDS Ency. Mcq`s D.S.,  Vol - 2  2005 Rs. 210
Gupta Dental Diseases Diff. Diag.  1./08 Rs. 495
Gupta Illust. Dental Dictionary  2./06 Rs. 195
Gupta Dental Differential Diagnosis,  1./02 Rs. 250
Gupta H/b Of Pharmacology For D. S, 1./99 Rs. 90
Hackshaw Evidence Based Dentistry  1./06 $ 57.99
Hansson Physical Therapy In Craniomandibula  1./92 Pd 26
Harfst Dental Prctice Toolkit 2004 $ 99
Harland Medical & Dental Hypnosis  4./02 Pd 38.99
Harty Dental Dictionary  3./07 Pd 24.99
Heasman Master Dentistry,  Vol - 2 2003 Pd 25.99
Helman Dental Management of the Cancer Patient 2010 Pd 39.95
Hollins Basic Gd To Dental Procedures  1./08 $ 39.99
Holm T/B of Geriatric Dentistry  3/09. Pd 75
Humphris Behavioural Sciences Dentistry 2000 Pd 26.99
Hupp Dental Clinical Advisor . ( Ind.) 1./06 Rs. 1095
Hupp Dental Clinical Advisor  2006 $ 92
Isaacson An Introduction To Fixed Appliances  3./99 Rs. 425
Jacobsen Restorative Dentistry  1998 Pd 41.99
Jedynakiewicz Prct. Guide Techniques Dentistry  1992 Pd 19.95
Jenkins Precision Attachments 1999 Pd 24
Juniper Emerg. Dental Practice Diag. Management 1990 Rs. 65
Kay Integrated Dental Treatment Planning 2005 Pd 25.99
Khumukcham Quick Rev In Clinical Dentistry  2007 Rs. 75
Kidd Ess Of Dental Caries,  3./06 Rs. 595
Kidodent Dental Index, December  2006 Rs. 175
Koppe Paranasal Sinuses Higher Primates 1999 Pd 69
Krishna Question Bank 2nd Year Bds, 1./06 Rs. 60
Krishnan Bological Mechanisms Of Tooth Move  2009 $ 199.95
Landau Atlas of Cosm. Dentistry 2004 Pd 120
Levoy 201 Secrets High Perf. Dental Practice 2005 $ 48.95
Little Dental Management of the Medically Comp. 7E/08 $ 86.95
little Dental Mgmt. Of The Medically Comp 2008 $ 71.95
Lokhart Dental Care Of The Medically Complex 2004 Pd 30.99
Lund Orofacial Pain 2001 Pd 27
Lynoh Ozone the Revelution Dentistry 2004 Pd 65
Malamed Medical Emergencies  6./07 Rs. 1045
Marcil Occupational Therapy  2007 $ 22.95
Mars Magt Cleft Lip Palate Developing World  2008 $ 70
Mccord Missing Theeth Pd 29.99
Mcintyre Year Book of Dentistry 2008 $ 116
Meechan Drug Dictionary For Dentistry,  1./02 Rs. 295
Meskin Yearbook Of Dentistry  1998 $ 73
Millar Reinforced Periodontal Instrumentation  2008 $ 32.95
Miller Infection Control & Mgmt.  3./05 $ 48.95
Mitchell Oxford H/b Clinical Dentistry  4E/06 Rs. 475
Mitchell Mitchell - Dental Instruments : A Pkt. Guide(cd)   $ 39.95
Mjor Pulp Dentin Biology Restor. Dentistry 2002 Pd 42
Morris Strategies Dental Diag. Treatment 1999 Pd 60
Mosby Dental Dictionary  2./07 Rs. 395
Mosby Dental Drug Reference  7./06 Rs. 850
Mossey Ess. Skills Dentists 2006 Pd 27.99
Mostofsky Behavioural Dentistry 2006 $ 79.99
Mostosky Behavioural Dentistry 2006 Pd 44.99
Murray C/a Acid Etch Techniques 1984 Rs. 350
Murrey Dental Tech. C/a Of Acid Etch Tech Rs. 150
Nakabayashi Hybridization of Dental Hard. 1998 Pd 28
Natali Natali - Dental Biomechanics 2003 Pd 85
Neart Osseointegration In Oral Rehabilitation Pd 10
Newman Antibiotic & Antimicrobial Use Dent. 2E/01 Pd 28
Nieldgehrig Patient Assessment Tutorials $ 54.95
Novak Contemporary Dental Assisting  1./01 $ 64.95
Odell Clinical Problem Solving In Dentistry  2008 Pd 15.5
Ole Fejerskov Ole Fejerskov - Dental Caries : T D & Its C M., 2ed $ 164.99
Oxford H/b Of Clinical Dentistry  4./08 Rs. 475
Oxford H/b Of Dental Patient Care  2./06 Rs. 345
Panda Mcq`s Dentistry Basic Sciences,  2./02 Rs. 275
Panda Mcq`s In Dentistry Cl. Sciences,  2./02 Rs. 275
Paravina Esthetic Color Training Dentistry  1./04 $ 71.95
Parmar Edge New Mcq Conservative Dent.  2005 Rs. 140
Patteta Bhatia Mcq`s In Dentistry ( Cl.),  4./05 Rs. 350
Patteta Bhatia`s Mcq`s In Dentistry (basic) 4./05 Rs. 350
Perry Head , Neck & Dental Emergencies  2005 Rs. 395
Phinney Dental Assis. Compre. App.  $ 108.95
Pickett Dental Drug Reference,  2006 $ 47.95
Pophale T/b Of Medical Dentistry  1./07 Rs. 450
Prabhu Dental Mgmt. Of Medically Complex  1./07 Rs. 175
Q D T Q D T - Quint Of Dental Technology, Vol.29 2006 Pd 45
Rahmatulla A Traumatic Restorative Treatment 2001 Rs. 225
Rai Practical Dentistry  2007 Rs. 195
Ramaiah Question Bank Final B D S  2006 Rs. 130
Rattan Quality Matters: From Clinical. 31E/07 Pd 28
Rattan Risk Magt. General Dental Practice 2004 Pd 28
Rattan The Business of Dentistry 2002 Pd 28
Rattan Quality Matters: From Clinical. 31./07 Pd 28
Reap Complete H/b For Dental Auxiliaries  1./81 Pd 20
Requa Applied Pharm Dental Hygienist. 4ed $ 59.95
Richard Dental Biomaterials  2008 Pd 150
Richards Evidence Based Dentistry 2008 Pd 28
Robinson Ess. Of Dental Assisting  2007 $ 26.95
Rowe A Comp. Guide Clinical Dentistry 2001 Rs. 995
Rowson Medico Legal Practitioner Dentistry 2001 Rs. 395
Rule Dentists Who Care Inspiring Stores Comm. 2005 Pd 17
Rule Inspiring Stories Of Professional Comm  1./05 Pd 17
Sadan Sadan - Q D T2008 : Quintessence Dent. Tech. V-31 Pd 49
Sadatullah Dental Technician Part - 1  2E/03 Rs. 195
Sadatullah Dental Technician Part - 2 2004 Rs. 150
Sadatullah Dental Technician  2004 Rs. 150
Salenbauch Al Dente Culin,deli,dent,patient 1./09 Eu 38
Schleyer The Global Village Dentistry  1998 Pd 23
Schuster H/b Of Clinical Dental Assisting  1999 $ 24.99
Scully Culturally Sensitive Oral Health 35E/06 Pd 28
Scully Oxford H/b Applied Dental Sciences 2002 Rs. 295
Scully Oxford H/b Dental Practice Care  2E/06 Rs. 345
Scully Special Care In Dentistry  2007 Pd 29.99
Scully Medical Problems In Dentistry 5./05 Rs. 1025
Seshadri H/b Dental Diseases Remedies  2002 Rs. 125
Sessle Orofacial Pain 2./08 Pd 38
Shearer Treatment Plann Primary Dental Care 2003 Pd 25.99
Sieber Voyage 1994 Pd 108
Singh Military Dentistry 2005 Rs. 1050
Smukler Equil. Natural Restored Dentistry 1991 Pd 30
Soins Dental Secrets  3./06 Rs. 495
Sproat Ess. Human Disease For Dentists  2006 Pd 25.99
Srivastava Mcq`s In Dental Sciences,  2./02 Rs. 160
Stedman Medical Dictionary For The Den  1./07 $ 43.95
Steenberghe Breath Malador Step Appr. 2004 Pd 28
Stefanac Treatment Planning Dentistry  2./07 Rs. 925
Stratton An Atlas Of Rem.partial Den.des. 1988 Pd 41
Sweet Atlas of Forensic Odontology 2009 Pd 75
T C P The Complete Preparation Mcat.  2001 $ 49.95
Tamura Ess. Dental Technology  1987 Pd 35
Terezhalmy Physical Evaluation in Dental Practice 2009 Pd 39.99
Torres Modern Dental Assisting (f)  9./09 $ 84.95
Torres Modern Dental Assisting (ind)  9./09 Rs. 2595
Tsutsui Comprehensive Dentistry  1./08 Eu 210
Tyler Clinician Guide Medically Com. Pd 29.95
Varghese A Practical Hospital Dentistry  Rs. 495
Walmsley Restorative Dentistry  2E/07 Pd 39.95
Walmsley Restorative Dentistry  2E/07 Pd 39.95
Wasserman Root Scaling Planning  1986 Pd 65
Wheeler Atlas Of Tooth Form  5./84 $ 69.95
White Osseointegrated Dental Tech.  Pd 32
Wright Manual of Temporomandibular Disorders 2005 Pd 49.99
Wynn Drug Information H/b Dentistry  5./00 $ 39.95
Yadav Mcq`s In Dentistry,  2./07 Rs. 295
Yip Tooth Erosion Prev. & Treat.  Rs. 595
Zambito Hospital Dentistry Prct. Ed.  1997 $ 49.95
Zambito Manual Of Dental Therapeutics 1993 Rs. 160
General Medicine
Agarwal Clinical Med. Practical Manual  2007 Rs. 895
Alagappan Manual of Pract. Medicine 3E/07 Rs. 595
Andreoli Cecil Essential of Medicine 7E/08 Rs. 1595
Arati A T M Arati`s T/B of Medicine  2007 Rs. 322.55
Baliga 250 Cases Clinical Medicine  3E/05 Pd 6.5
Ballinger Pocket Ess. Clinical Medicine  3E/03 Pd 7
Bickley Bates Guide to Physical Exam. 9E/07 $ 45
Boon Davidson`s Principles & Prcatice of Medicine 20E/06 Pd 19.50.
Burton AIDS to U. G. Medicine  6E/03 Rs. 165
Chabner The Language of Medicine  8E/07 $ 58.95
Chhatwal Prep Manual of Medicine U.G. 2006 Rs. 395
Chugh Bedside Medicine without Tears  2007 Rs. 425
Chugh Clin. Methods in Medicine 2008 Rs. 495
Chugh T/B of Medicine for MBBS 2007 Rs. 690
Collier Oxford H/B Clinical Specialties 7E/06 Rs. 445
Cook Manson`s Tropical Diseases 21E/03 Pd 28
Douglas Macleod`s Clinical Examination  11E/06 Pd 10
Duin History of Medicine  1992 Pd 20
Eddleston Oxford H/B Tropical Medicine  2E/05 Rs. 345
Epstein Clinical Examination  3E/06 Pd 42.99
Epstein Medicine for Examination  4E/03 Pd 8
Ewald Manual Medicine Therapeutics  28E Rs. 800
Ferr's Differential Diagnosis 2006 Rs. 225
Forbes C/A & Text Clinical Medicine  3E/03 Pd 15.95
Forbes Illustr. Pkt.Guide Clinical Medicine  2E/04 Pd 17.99
Gami Bedside Approach Medical Therapy 2005 Rs. 475
Goldman Cecil Medicine,  2 - Vols  23E/07 Rs. 4500
Gupta Differential Diagnosis  7E/06 Rs. 295
Gupta H/B of Medicine  2004 Rs. 185
Hossain MCQ's in Medicine Explant Answers  2006 Rs. 295
Hossain Medical Therapeutics  2003 Rs. 195
Hossain Medicine  2004 Rs. 450
Hossain Physical Diag. Signs Symptoms  2004 Rs. 150
Hossain Practical Standard Prescription 2006 Rs. 295
Hossain Quick Medical Diag. Treatment  3E/03 Rs. 265
Hossain T/B of Medicine  2002 Rs. 350
Indrayan Basic Methods Medical Research 2006 Rs. 225
Iqbal Slide Interpretation Clinical Medicine  2006 Rs. 395
Kaltippi Clinical Methods Medicine  2005 Rs. 325
Kathale Essentials of Clinical Medicine  2006 Rs. 395
Krishna Das Clinical Medicine  3E/05 Rs. 425
Krishna Das T/B of Medicine,  2 - Vols 2008 Rs. 625
Kumar/Clark Clincial Medicine  6E/05 Pd 19
Ledingham Concise Oxford T/B Medicine  2000 Rs. 1500
Lim Medicine & Surgery Integ. T/B 2007 Pd 44.99
Llewelyn Oxford H/B of Clinical Diagnosis  2007 Rs. 345
Longmore Oxford H/B of Clinical Medicine  7E/07 Rs. 460
Mathew Prep Manual for U.G. Medicine  3E/08 Rs. 595
Mcphee Current Medical Diagnostics & Treatment 47E/08 $ 38.95
Mishra Clinicals Methods in Medicine  2E/06 Rs. 190
Munjal P G Medicine ( R. A Medicine )  2007 Rs. 495
Myers N M S Medicine  5E Rs. 995
Ogilvie Chamberlain`s Symptoms Signs Med.  12E/06 Rs. 995
Padhiary Common Mistakes Clinical Medicine 2006 Rs. 150
Panda Current Medical Diag. Treatment  3E/02 Rs. 795
Panda H/B of Medicine  2005 Rs. 150
Panda Manual of Medicine 2002 Rs. 250
Raftery Pocket Book Differential Diagnosis  2E/06 Pd 6.5
Raman Quick Revision Gen Medicine Review  2002 Rs. 250
Ramrakha Oxford H/B of Acute Medicine  2E/06 Rs. 450
Rao Sociology in Medicine 2E/05 Rs. 80
Reddy History of Medicine  2006 Rs. 110
Rubenstein Lectures Notes Clinical Medicine  6E/03 Pd 5
Schwartz Medical Ethics  2002 Pd 19.99
Seidel Mosby Guide to Physical Examination  6E/06 $ 85.95
Shastry Manipal Manual Clinical Medicine  2006 Rs. 295
Singh Muskaan Manual Med. Diag. Treat.,  2 - Vols  2005 Rs. 990
Swash Hutchisons Clincial Methods  22E/07 Pd 9
Talley Clinical Examination  5E/06 Rs. 950
Thapar H/B Bedside Medical Diagnosis  4E/04 Rs. 195
Tierney Current Essentials of Medicine 3E/06 $ 12.95
Udwadia Bedside Clinics in Medicine  2007 Rs. 795
Udwadia Man & Medicine  2002 Rs. 1350
Vasan T/B of Medicine  1998 Rs. 495
Vidyasagar Manipal Medical Manual 4E/06 Rs. 195
Warner Savills System Clinical Medicine 14E/05 Rs. 495
Warrell Oxford T/B of Medicine,  3 - Vols 4E/03 Rs. 6500
Wasserman Principles of Exercise Test & Interp. 4E/05 $ 24.95
Wilkins Oxford H/B Medical Sciences  2007 Rs. 445
Wooliscroft Current Diagnosis Treatment  2E/98 $ 99.95
General Pharmacology
Anthony Pharmacology Secrets  2002 Rs. 495
Asperheim Introduction to Pharmacology  10E/05 $ 39.95
Atkinson Principles Clinical Pharmacology  2E/07 $ 99.99
Aulton Pharmaceutics Science Dosage 3E/08 Pd 12
Ballington Pharmacology  3E/08 Rs. 695
Bansal BDS & CBS Exam Pharma. Q & A. 2007 Rs. 220
Bennett Cl. Pharmacology 9E/05 Rs. 710
Bhatia Pharmacology for MBBS BDS 2008 Rs. 95
Bhattacharya Pharmacology (Reprint) 2E/05 Rs. 495
Brenner Pharmacology  2E/06 Rs. 655
Chaudhri Manual of Pharmacology (Reprint) 11E/06 Rs. 195
Chaudhri Quintess. Medical Pharmacology  2005 Rs. 325
Craig Modern Pharmacology Clincial App.  6E/04 $ 52.95
Desousa MCQ's in Pharmacology  2004 Rs. 125
Desousa Viva Pharmacology Therapeutics  2000 Rs. 70
Dhikav Last Minute Revision Pharmcology  2003 Rs. 60
Gage Mosby's Dental Drug Reference 7E/05 Rs. 850
Golan Principles of Pharmacology  2E/08 Rs. 750
Goodman Manual Pharmacology Therapeutics  2008 $ 24.95
Goodman Pharmacological Basis Therapt. 11E/06 $ 59.95
Howland Lipp. Illust. Rev. Pharmacology 3E/07 Rs. 995
Katzung Basic & Cl. Pharmacology 10E/07 $ 16.95
Kester Elseviers Integrated Pharmacology  2007 $ 36.95
Lullmann C/A of Pharmacology 2005 Eu 12
Martindale The Complete Drug Refe., 2 Vols 35E/07 Pd 350
Merck Merck Manual  18E/06 Rs. 1395
Merck The Merck Index 14E/06 Pd 69.99
Nyati Clinical Pharmacology  2007 Rs. 495
Olson Poisoning & Drug Overdose 5E/07 $ 18
P D R Physician's Desk Reference  62E/08 $ 94.95
Page Integrated Pharmacology 3E/06 Pd 39.99
Panda H/B of Pharmacology  2005 Rs. 90
Panda MCQ's in Pharmacology  2006 Rs. 60
Pandit Introd. to Pharmaceutical Sciences 2007 $ 58.95
Raffa Netter's Illustrated Pharmacology  2005 $ 26
Ramesh Practical Pharmacology for MBBS 2006 Rs. 180
Rang Pharmacology 5E/05 Rs. 795
Ritter A T/B of Cl. Pharmacology 4e/99 Pd 18
Roach Intr. Clinical Pharmacology 8E/08 $ 40
Satoskar Pharmacology Pharmacother. 20E/07 Rs. 650
Seth T/B of Pharmacology 2E/04 Rs. 550
Sharma Principles of Pharmacology 2007 Rs. 795
Trevor Katzung Pharmac. Exam. Board Review  7E/05 $ 13.95
Tripathi Ess. Medical Pharmacology 6E/08 Rs. 695
Tripathi MCQs in Pharmacology 3E/04 Rs. 160
Udaykumar T/B of Medical Pharmacology  2E/06 Rs. 410
Walker Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics  3E/03 Pd 22.99
General Surgery
Azad Essentials of Surgery  3E/05 Rs. 550
Basu H/B of Surgery  2001 Rs. 230
Bhat SRB's Manual of Surgery  2E/07 Rs. 595
Bhattacharya Short Cases in Surgery  5E/04 Rs. 220
Blumgart Surgery of the Liver, Bil., 2 Vols 4E/07 Pd 299
Brunicardi Schwartz's Princ. of Surgery  8E/05 $ 79.95
Brunicardi Schwartz's Princ. Surg. Self  8E/07 $ 10.95
Burnard The New Aird's Comp. Surg. Studies  3E/05 Pd 45
Carter Atlas General Surgery,  2 Vols  3E/06 Rs. 1995
Chary Clinical & Operative Surgery  3E/07 Rs. 450
Choudhury Essentials U.G. Surgery  2000 Rs. 225
Choudhury General Surgical Operations  2008 Rs. 995
Chumber Essentials of Surgery  2000 Rs. 225
Devita Cancer - 2Vols 8E/08 $ 359
Doherty Current Surgical Diag & Treat. 12E/06 $ 29.95
Ellis French's Index Surg. Differential Diag. 1999 Rs. 1395
Ellis Hamilton Emergency Surgery  13E/06 Rs. 1795
Ellis Lectures Notes General Surgery  10E/03 Rs. 395
Farquharson T/B of Operative General Surg. 9E/05 Pd 30
Fischer Mastery of Surgery,  2 Vols  5E/08 Rs. 4995
Gvalani Manual of Instru & Operative Surgery 2007 Rs. 495
Gvalani Surgery Simplified Practicals  2002 Rs. 400
Harken Abernathy`s Surgical Secrets (Reprint) 5E/07 Rs. 495
Kapur T/B of Surgery  1995 Rs. 150
Kirk Clinical Surgery General  4E/04 Pd 15.5
Kirk Ess. General Surgical Operations  2E/07 Pd 39.99
Kirk General Surgical Operations  5E/06 Pd 25
Lumley Physical Signs  18E/01 Pd 15
Lumley Picture Tests 2000 Pd 7.95
Maingot's Abdominal Operations  11E/07 $ 95
Majid Advanced Surgical Prct. 2003 Pd 95
McLatchie Oxford H/B Opertive Surgery  2E/07 Rs. 450
Mulholland Complications Surgery 2006 $ 169
Nan Undergraduate Surgery (Reprint) 3E/04 Rs. 300
Palanivelu Art Laproscopic Surgery,  2 Vols  2007 Rs. 6000
Palanivelu Operative Manual Lapr. Herina  2004 Rs. 1000
Palanivelu T/B of Surgical Laparoscopy  2002 Rs. 4000
Panda H/B of Surgery  2006 Rs. 110
Panda Review of Surgery 3E/06 Rs. 195
Parulekar Practical Surgery  2E/02 Rs. 400
Phillips Berry Operating Room Tech.  11E/07 Rs. 1395
Pippiri MCQ's in Surgery  2E/03 Rs. 150
Raftery Applied Science Surgical Training  2005 Pd 9.5
Raftery Churchill`s PBs Surgery 3E/06 Pd 6
Rosen Aesthetic Perspectives Jaw Surgery  1999 Eu 99
Russell Bailey & Love`s Short Pract. Surg. 24E/04 Pd 29
Rutherford Vascular Surgery - 2 Vols 6E/05 $ 415
Sasaki Tissue Expansion Reconstr. Aesth. 1998 $ 160
Sellke Sabiston Surgery of Chest,  2 Vols  7E/05 $ 325
Shah Head & Neck Surgery Oncology  3E/05 Pd 282
Shenoy Manipal Manual of Surgery  2E/06 Rs. 620
Srivastava Quick Revision Surgery  2008 Rs. 350
Tandon MCQ's in Surgery  2007 Rs. 225
Taylor R. A. in Surgery,  No.30  2007 Pd 17
Townsend Sabiston T/B of Surgery,  2 Vols  18E/08 Rs. 4250
Jorde Medical Genetics 3./03 Rs. 710
Kapur Basic Human Genetics  2./05 Rs. 60
Kothari Essential Of Human Genetics  5./09 Rs. 450
Lahiri Clinical Genetics  1./05 Rs. 250
Mandal Fundamentals Human Genetics  2./07 Rs. 285
Mcconkey Human Genetics  1./93 $ 114.35
Bancroft Theory Prct Histological Tech.  6E/08 Pd 75
Bharihoke T/b Of Histology  2E/05 Rs. 295
Eroschenko Difiore`s Atlas Of Histology 11E/08 Rs. 650
Fawcett Bloom Concise Histology  2E/02 Pd 15
Gartner Colour T/b Of Histology  3E/07 $ 40
Gunasekaran T/b Histology & Prct. Guide  2007 Rs. 550
I B Singh T/b Of Human Histology with C/A 5E/06 Rs. 350
Junqueira Basic Histology Text & Atlas  11E/05 $ 31.95
Machado Histology C/A ( Images Focus )  2004 Rs. 395
Munksgaard C/A Of Histology  2005 Rs. 495
Nagesh Rao Histology Made Easy  2006 Rs. 200
Pal T/B of Histology  2005 Rs. 275
Patnakar Histology Viva & Practicals  2004 Rs. 225
Prabhu T/B of Histology  2006 Rs. 325
Ross Histology Text & Atlas  5E/06 $ 64.95
Singh Mini Atlas Series Histology (Jay Gold )  2007 Rs. 295
Tandon T/B of Histology  2004 Rs. 250
Young Wheater`s Functional Histology 5E/06 Rs. 910
Abbas Basic Immunology  2E/08 Rs. 410
Abbas Cellular & Molecular Immunology 6E/07 Rs. 1095
Delves Roitt`s Essential Immunology  11E/06 Rs. 1495
Doan Lippincott`s Illustrated Review Immunology 2008 Rs. 995
Gupta Essential of Immunology  2004 Rs. 250
Janeway Immunobiology 7E/08 Pd 32.99
Kindt Kuby Immunology  6E/07 Pd 42.95
Lydyard Instant Notes in Immunology  2003 Rs. 195
Male Immunology  7E/06 Pd 16.99
Paul Fundamentals Immunology  5E/03 $ 169
Playfair Immunology At A Glance  8E/06 Rs. 250
Reddy T/B of Immunology  2007 Rs. 175
Rich Clinical Immun. Principles & Practice - 2Vols ( CD ) 2E/01 Pd 221
Rosen Case Studies Immunology  4E/04 Pd 25.99
Spickett Oxford H/B Clinical Immun. Allergy  2E/02 Rs. 395
Stiehm Immunologic Disorders Children  5E/04 $ 325
Todd Lectures Notes Immunology 5E/05 Rs. 395
Implant Dentistry
Albrektsson Branemark Osseointegrated Implant 1989 Pd 94
Alfaro Bone Grafting in Oral Implantology 2006 Pd 96
Askary Fundame Of Esthetic Implant Dentistry 2007 $ 139.99
Askary Reconstructive Aesthetic Implant Sur. 2003 Rs. 4550
Belser I T I Treatment Guide Vol - 1 2007 Pd 98
Block C/A of Dental Implant Suregery 2E/07 $ 198
Block Implants in Dentistry  1997 $ 82
Block C A Of Dental Implant Surgery (ind) 2./07 Rs. 4495
Block Implants In Dentistry  1997 $ 82
Buser Surgical Manual of Implant Dentistry 2007 Pd 50
Buser Illustrated Treatment Guide, Vol - 3,  1./08 Eu 98
Chaturvedi Implantology Made Easy  2008 Rs. 395
Coluzzi Atlas of Laser Appli. in Dentistry 2007 Pd 81
Cooper Cochlear Implant 2E/06 $ 95
Cooper Immediate Loading of Dental Implants 2009 Pd 95
Cranin Atlas Of Oral Implantology 2./99 $ 255
Dabas Introduction Oral Implantology 2005 Rs. 495
Daniels Team Approach to Implant Dentistry 2009 Pd 29.99
Davarpanah Cl. Manual Implant Dentistry 2003 Pd 55
Davarpanah Immediate Lod,dent,implant 1./08 Eu 210
Denissen Hydroxylapatite Implants  1985 $ 63
Drago Implant Restorations  2E/07 Pd 55
Drago Implan Laboratory Procedures 2009 Pd 49.99
Feine Implant Overdentures 2003 Pd 40
Fugazzotto Implant & Regenerative Therapy  2008 Pd 69.99
Garg Bone Biology Harvesting Dental Implants 2004 Pd 96
Hamid Clini.& Lab.manual Of Impl.overdentu. 1./07 $ 129.99
Hobkirk C/A and Text Dental & Max Implantology 1995 Pd 115
Hobkirk Introducing Dental Implants  2003 Pd 40.99
Hobkirk Introducing Dental Implants  2003 Pd 42.99
Hobkitk C/a And Text Dental & Max Implantology, Pd 115
Hopfensperger Essential of Implant Dentistry 2008 Pd 34.99
Jokstad Osseointegration & Dental Implants 2008 Pd 75
kahnberg Bone Grafting Tech Maxillary Impalnt  1./05 Rs. 995
Kakar Oral Implantology  2001 Rs. 995
khoury Bone Augm. in Oral Implants 2007 Pd 177
Linkow Implant Dentistry Today 3 Vols  1990 $ 705.5
Linkow Implant Dentistry Today Vol 5  1998 $ 225
Maeda Implant Dentistry Generation Magt. Att. 2005 Pd 45
Mahesh Practical Guide to Implant Dentistry  2002 Rs. 695
Misch Dental Implant Prosthetics  2005 $ 161
Misch Contemporary Imaplant Dentistry  3./08 Rs. 3195
Norton Dental Implants : A Guide to the G.P. 1995 Pd 25
Otobe Oral Implantology  1990 $ 71.44
Palacci Esthetic Implant Dentistry 2001 Pd 78
Palacci Optimal Implant Posit Magt. Branemark 1995 Pd 78
Palmer Implants Clinical Dentistry  2002 Pd 95
Renouard Risk Factors in Implant Dentistry 1999 Pd 55
Sarment Manual Of Dental Implants  1./06 Rs. 995
Sclar Soft Tissue Esth. Consi. Implant Therapy 2003 Pd 176
Scortecci Implants Restorative Dentistry  2003 Pd 170
Searson Implantology General Dental Prctice 2005 Pd 28
Sethi Practical Implant Dentistry  2005 Pd 98
Shafie Cli. & Lab. Manual Implant Overdentur  1./07 $ 129.99
Sohn Innovative Implant Dentistry  2003 $ 120
Sonick Implant Site Development 2009 Pd 79.99
Taylor Dental Implants are they for me?  1993 Pd 18
Turp Temp. Pain Clinical Present Impact 2000 Pd 20
Wang Management of Implant Complications 2009 Pd 45
Watzek Implants Qualit. Bone  2004 Pd 62
Weiss Princ. Prct Implant Dentistry  2001 $ 105
Wilson Minimally Invasive Dentistry 2007 Pd 69
Winkelman Dental Implants Fund. Lab Tech. 1994 $ 150
wismeijer I T I Treatment Guide -  2008 Eu 86
Yaremchuk Atlas of Facial Implants  2007 $ 207
Zarb Aging Steoporosis Dental Implants 2002 Pd 55
Zinner Implant Dentistry Failure Success  2004 Pd 75
Local Anesthesia
Baart Local Anesthe. In Dentistry  2008 $ 64.99
Bajaj Anaesthesia & Analgesia Dentistry 2005 Rs. 350
Bali Exodontics & Local Anesthesia 2008 Rs. 295
Bennett Local Anesth. Pain  Dental Practice 7E/90 Rs. 395
Chilo Life Threatening Emergency Dentistry 1988 Eu 40
Chitre Manual Local Anesthesia Dentistry 2006 Rs. 275
Clark H/b Of Nitrous Oxide & Oxy Sedation 3./08 $ 48.95
Craig Practical Conscious Sedation 2E/04 Pd 28
Dionne Management Pain & Anxiety 2002 $ 75.95
Dionne Magt. Of Pain & Anxi. The Den. Offi 2009 Rs. 3295
Ghorpade Ess. of Local Anesthesia with MCQs 2006 Rs. 395
Girdler Sedation in Dentistry  2003 Pd 28.99
Howe Local Anesthesia In Dentistry  3./90 Rs. 225
Kost Moderate Sedation / Analgesia 2E/04 $ 49.95
Lockhart Dental Care Medically Patient  5E/05 Pd 31.99
Malamed H/B of Local Anesthesia (Reprint) 5E/06 Rs. 725
Malamed Medical Emergencies Dent. Office 6E/07 Rs. 1045
Malamed Sedation Guide Patient Management 4E/03 $ 72.95
Malamed Malamed - Sedation Guide Patient Magt 4e/03 4./03 $ 75.95
Malamed Malamed - H/b Of Medical Emergencies, 3/99 3./99 Rs. 350
Mccord Treatment Edentulous Patient  2004 Pd 35.99
Meechan Practical Dental Local Anesthesia 2002 Pd 28
Paarman Pain Controlfor Dental 2008 $ 54.95
Robinson Local Anesthesia in Dentistry  2005 Pd 18.99
Srivastava Local & General Anesthesia  2006 Rs. 198
Zakrazewska Pain Research & Clinical Mgmt. 2002 Pd 45.99
Medical & Dental Dictionary
AITBS Pocket Dental Dictionary 2003 Rs. 125
Dorland's Illustrated Medical Dictionary 31E/07 $ 36.95
Dorland's Pocket Medical Dictionary 27/06. Rs. 295
Gupta Illustrated Dental Dictionary 2004 Rs. 195
Gupta Rohan's New Illustrated Medical Dictionary C/A 2E/06 Rs. 450
Heasman Harty`s Dental Dictionary 3E/07 Pd 45
Jenifer Heinemann Dental Dictionary  4E/97 Rs. 200
Meechan Drug Dictionary for Dentistry 2002 Rs. 295
Mosby Dental Dictionary 2004 Rs. 295
Mosby's Dental Dictionary 2E/08 Rs. 345
Oxford Concise Colour Medical Dictionary 2008 Rs. 295
Stedman Medial Dict. Dental Profes. 2007 $ 43.95
Taber's Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary - 2Vols 2006 Rs. 795
A.Narayanan T/B of Microbiology (Reprint) 7E/05 Rs. 425
Arora Microbiology at a Glance  2004 Rs. 150
Arora Review of Microbiology 2005 Rs. 125
Arora T/B of Microbiology  3E/08 Rs. 495
Baveja Prct. Microbiology MBBS 2E/06 Rs. 180
Baveja T/B of Microbiology (Reprint) 2E/07 Rs. 475
Bhatia Essentials of Medical Microbiology  4E/08 Rs. 495
Bhatia Microbiology for MBBS BDS 2008 Rs. 95
Brook Sinusitis Microbiology Magt. 2006 Pd 110
Chakraborthy T/B of Microbiology (Reprint) 5E/06 Rs. 495
Chauhan Essential of Microbiology  2002 Rs. 200
Collee Mackie & Mccart. Pract. Medical Microbiiology 14E/06 Rs. 1495
Collier Human Virology  2E/00 Rs. 795
Engelkirk Burton`s Microb. Health Science  8E/07 $ 64.95
Forbes Bailey & Scott's Diag. Microbiology 12E/07 $ 50
Greenwood Medical Microbiology 16E/06 Rs. 650
Gupte Illustrated Medical Microbiology  1996 Rs. 250
Gupte The Short T/B of Medical Microbiology 9E/06 Rs. 295
Harvey Lipp. Illust. Rev. Microbiology 2E/07 Rs. 1250
Irving Instant Notes Medical Microbiology  2005 Rs. 295
Jawetz Medical Microbiology 24E/07 $ 12.95
Kayser Medical Microbiology: Basic Science 2005 Eu 39.95
Levinson Review of Medical Micro. Immunology 9E/06 $ 14
Mahon T/b Diagnostic Microbiology  3E/07 Rs. 2595
Mims Medical Microbiology  4E/08 Pd 12.5
Murray Medical Microbiology 5E/05 $ 75.95
Nagoba Clinical Microbiology  2005 Rs. 140
Nagoba Medical Microbiology Prep Manual U.G. 2007 Rs. 395
Nicklin Instant Notes Microbiology  2E/03 Rs. 195
Panda H/B of Microbiology 2005 Rs. 80
Parija T/B Practical Microbiology  2007 Rs. 475
Pelczar Microbiology  5E/04 Rs. 485
Pommerville Alcamo`s Fund. of Microbiology 8E/07 $ 45
Prasad Book of Sure Success Microbiology 2007 Rs. 150
Prescott Microbiology 7E/08 $ 38.95
Rabson Really Ess. Medical Microbiology  2E/05 Rs. 495
Reddy Microbiology & Parasitology 3E/07 Rs. 375
Robertis Cell & Molecular Biology  8E/06 Rs. 850
Ryan Sherris Medical Microbiology  4E/04 $ 42.95
Schaechter Mechan. Microbiology Diseases 4E/08 $ 69.95
Stanier General Microbiology  5E/06 Pd 6.5
Thomas Clinical Microbiology  2007 Rs. 425
Timbury Notes Medical Microbiology  2002 Pd 32.99
Tortora Microbiology an Introduction  9E/07 Pd 45.99
Turner Instant Notes Molecular Biology  3E/07 Rs. 295
Vasanthakumari T/B of Microbiology 2007 Rs. 395
Walker Text & Review Series Microbiology  1998 $ 38.95
Winn Koneman`s C/a T/b Diag. Microbiology  6E/06 $ 90.95
Yatiraj Microbiology Solved Question Papers 2E/07 Rs. 295
Yotis Outline Review Microbiology & Immunology 2004 $ 11.95
Operative Dentistry
Bansal BDS & CBS Exam Cons. Dentistry 2007 Rs. 175
Bartlett Indirect Restorations 25E/07 Pd 28
Brunton Decision Making Operative Dentistry 2002 Pd 28
Caputo  Biomechanics Clinical Dentistry  1./98 Pd 53
Chandra T/B of Operative Dentistry 2007 Rs. 595
Charbeneau Princ. & Pract. Of Operat. Dent,  3./89 Rs. 315
Choudary Perclinical Conservative Dentistry 1./06 Rs. 60
Dabas T/b Of Conservative Dentistry 1./08 Rs. 495
Francischone Metal-free Esthetics Restor., 2./03 Pd 57
Freeman Communicating In Dental Practice  2006 Pd 28
Garg Review Of Endodontics & Operative Dent.  2008 Rs. 250
Gilmore Operative Dentistry 1994 Rs. 225
Kantorowicz Inlay` S Crowns & Bridges 5./93 Rs. 725
Karthikeyan Guidebook Preclin Cons. Dent. 2005 Rs. 200
Kennedy Pediatric Operative Dentistry 2002 Rs. 995
Lewin Electrog.a/of Diagno.proce.& Interp.  1./85 Pd 62
Lynch Successful Posterior Composite 2008 Pd 28
Mitchell Dental Materials Operative Dentistry  2008 Pd 28
Naylor Intro,to Metal-ceramic Technology 2./09 Pd 68
Qualtrough Principles of Operative Dentistry (Org) 2006 Pd 27.99
Qualtrough Principles of Operative Dentistry (Indian) 2006 Rs. 295
Qualtrough Principles Of Operative Dentistry 2005 $ 51.99
Raghu Clinical Operative Dentistry  2008 Rs. 795
Reddy Notes On Operative Dentistry & Endo  2./07 Rs. 370
Reddy Pre Clinical Operative Dentistry 2008 Rs. 395
Roberson Sturdevant Art & Science Operative Dentistry 5E/06 Rs. 2145
Roulet Adhesive Technology for Restorative Dentistry 2005 Pd 73
Roulet Advances in Operative Dentistry - Vol.1 2006 Pd 84
Scheller Basics Guide Dental Instruments 2006 Pd 19.99
Sikri T/B of Opertive Dentistry  2E/08 Rs. 995
Sikri  Pre-clinical Conservative Dentistry 1./09 Rs. 495
Smales Porcelain Laminate Venners for D & T. 2005 Rs. 525
Summitt Fundamentals of Operative Dentistry  3E/06 Pd 56
Wilson Advances Operative Dentistry,  Vol.2 2001 Pd 69
Oral Medicine
Ahmed R D S General Medicine  2006 Rs. 108
Alagappan Medicine for Dental Students 2./09 Rs. 595
Bailoor Fund. Oral Medicine & Radiology 2005 Rs. 595
Bork Dis. Of The Oral Mucosa & The Lips,  1993 $ 135
Bricker Oral Diag. Oral Med. Treatment Planning 2E/02 $ 70.95
Bumann C/A Dental Medicine TMJ Disorders 2002 Eu 199
Burket Oral Medicine 11./08 Rs. 1595
Burkhardt C/A of Oral Cancers  1981 Pd 59
Chandra MCQ's in Oral Medicine  2006 Rs. 75
Chandra Oral Medicine 2007 Rs. 495
Chestnutt Churchill`s P/b Clinical Dent. 3./07 Pd 8
Chugh T/B of Clinical Medicine for Dental Students 2E/07 Rs. 550
Dayal T/B of Oral Medicine 1998 Rs. 195
De Sousa Notes in Medicine with MCQ's Instruments 2001 Rs. 275
Eversole Oral Medicine Pocket Guide  1996 $ 6.5
Field Tyldesley's Oral Medicine 5E/03 Rs. 1795
Gandolfo Oral Medicine 2006 Pd 37.99
Ghom T/B of Oral Medicine  2005 Rs. 850
Ghom Jaypee Gold Stan. Oral Medicine Rs. 595
Ghom T/b Of Oral Medicine  2005 Rs. 850
Greenberg Burket`s Oral Medicine  11./08 Rs. 1795
Groten Cl. Invest Medical Devices Dent. 2004 Pd 31
Gupta Oral Medicine 2E/06 Rs. 160
Harris Clinical Oral Science 1998 Pd 70.99
Hira T/B of General Medicine for D. S. 2005 Rs. 425
John Comprehensive Review Of Oral Medi.  2006 Rs. 95
John Prin. Of Practical Oral Medicine  2./06 Rs. 320
Kent Achieving Oral Health  2002 Pd 18.99
Khosla Medicine for Dental Students (Reprint) 2006 Rs. 395
Krishna Essential of Oral Medicine  2007 Rs. 595
Laskaris C/a Of Oral Diseases,  3./03 Rs. 9515
Laskaris Pkt. Atlas Of Oral Diseases,  1998 Rs. 2395
Laskaris Treatment Of Oral Diseases,  2005 Rs. 3415
Lewis Colour H/B Oral Medicine 2005 Pd 29.95
Lynch Burket`s Oral Medicine : Diag. & Trmt., 9ed Rs. 300
Macleod Practical Oral Medicine 2006 Pd 28
Malamud Oral Based Diagnostics  2007 Pd 65
Mohammad Tobacco Cessation  2006 $ 25
Ongole Clin Manual For Oral Medicine & Red.  1./07 Rs. 350
Pasler C/a Dental Medicine Radiology  1993 Rs. 12476
Pillai MCQ's Oral Medicine Oral Radiology 2007 Rs. 150
Prabhu Dental Management Medically Complex Patients 2007 Rs. 195
Prabhu T/B of Oral Diagnosis 2007 Rs. 695
Prabhu T/B of Oral Medicine 2004 Rs. 495
Pramod John Ess. Oral Medicine 2003 Rs. 150
Pramod John Princ & Pract. of Oral Medicine 2E/06 Rs. 320
Pramod John T/B of Oral Medicine 2E/05 Rs. 395
Prasad Clinical Medicine Dentistry  2007 Rs. 150
Reichart C/a Dental Medicine Oral Pathology  2000 Rs. 13870
Saranath Contem. Issues In Oral Cancer  2000 Rs. 1035
Sciubba P D Q Oral Diseases  2002 $ 66.95
Scully H/B of Oral Disease 1999 Pd 45
Scully Medical Problems Dentistry 5E/05 Rs. 595
Scully Oral & Maxillofacial Medicine (Reprint) 2005 Pd 22.5
Scully Oral Disease  2./07 Pd 18.99
Scully Orofacila Disease  1./03 Pd 39.99
Scully Oral & Maxillofacial Diseases  3./04 Rs. 6995
Scully H/b Of Oral Disease,  1./99 Pd 45
Scully Oral & Maxillo. Medicine 2./08 Pd 22.5
Scully Oral Diseases Colour Guide, 2./99 Pd 18.99
Scully Special Care In Dentistry 1./07 Pd 29.99
Scully Medical Problems Dentistry, 5./05 Rs. 645
Seshadri H/b Dental Dis. & Reme.  1ed Rs. 110
Shah Oral Cancer  2003 Pd 190
Sharav Orofacial Pain & Headache  2008 Pd 44.99
shastry Manipal Man. Of Medicine For Dental  2005 Rs. 350
Shetty Ess. Medicine Dental Students 2005 Rs. 175
Shoukri Statistical Methods For Health Sc. 2./99 $ 109.95
Silverman Ess. of Oral Medicine  2002 $ 92.95
Silverman Oral Cancer 5E/03 $ 77.95
Silverman Ess Of Oral Medicine  2002 $ 92.95
Singh Medicine For Dental Student  2008 Rs. 425
Sonis Dental Secrets 3E/03 Rs. 495
Sonis Dental Secrets, 3./03 Rs. 545
Sooriakumaran Key Human Diseases D.S. 2005 Pd 25
Srivastava Ess. of Oral Medicine 2008 Rs. 350
Touger Nutrition & Oral Medicine  2007 Rs. 1995
Tougher Nutrition & Oral Medicine  2005 $ 135
Tripathi Ess. Medicine for D. S. 2006 Rs. 395
Tyldesley Oral Medicine  5./03 Rs. 1715
Ueda Third Inter. Congress Oral Max. 1999 Pd 43
Whittaker C/A of Forensic Dentistry 1989 $ 147
Wong Saliva Diagnostics 2008 Pd 79.95
Wray T/B General & Oral Medicine  2003 Pd 40.99
Yadav Short Q & A Oral Medicine & Patho. 2E/06 Rs. 195
Oral Microbiology /Pathology & Pharmacology
Ahmed R D S Pharmacology  2006 Rs. 108
Ahmed Raffle Dental Series Pharmacology 2006 Rs. 108
Arora T/B of Microbiology forB. D.S. 2007 Rs. 295
Bagg Ess. Microbiology for Dental Students 2007 Rs. 1195
Bansal BDS & CBS Exam G. Patho. & Microbiology 2007 Rs. 175
Bansal BDS & CBS Exam Pharma Q & A. 2007 Rs. 220
Baveja T/B of Microbiology for Dent. Stud. 2E/06 Rs. 240
Bengel Differ. Diag Dis. the Oral Mucosa 1989 Pd 55
Bhaskar Synopsis of Oral Pathology 1990 Rs. 495
Bhatia Microbiology for Dental Students 3E/03 Rs. 160
Biradar Oral Pathology Examination Review  2008 Rs. 395
Carlson T/b Of C/a Of Salivary Gland Path.  2008 $ 159.99
Cawson Ess. Oral Pathology Oral Medicine  8/08. Pd 10
Chandra MCQ's Oral Maxillofacial Pathology 2007 Rs. 95
Chandra MCQ's Pharmacology Dental Students 2007 Rs. 75
Chaturvedi Prct. Path. Micro. Dental Students 2004 Rs. 125
Choudhary  Syno. Of General Patho. For Dent  1./09 Rs. 125
Choudhary  Syno. Of Micro. For Dental Stud.  1./09 Rs. 150
Choudhary  Syno. Of Pharma. For Dental Stud. 1./09 Rs. 125
Daiya MCQ's Oral Pathology Dental Students 2005 Rs. 70
Dayal T/bof Forensic Odontology  1./98 Rs. 125
Delong General & Oral Pathology for D/H 2008 $ 78.95
Dhikav Pharmacology for Dental Students 2003 Rs. 325
Eversole Cli. Outline Of Oral Patho.  3./02 $ 73.95
Everson C/A of Oral Pathology  1995 $ 79
Gawkrodger Human Diseases Dentists  2004 Pd 29.99
Ghom T/b Of Oral Pathology  1./09 Rs. 795
Glick Dental Management Patients HIV 1994 Pd 48
Greenspan Oral Manifestations HIV Infection 1995 Pd 45
Gupta H/b Pharmacology For Dental Student  2./05 Rs. 90
Gupta Oral Pathology Medi & Rediology  1./08 Rs. 395
Gupta H/B of Pharmacology for Dental Students 2E/03 Rs. 90
Harshmohan Essential Pathology Dental Students  3E/05 Rs. 495
Haveles Applied Pharm. for the Dent.Hyg. 5E/07 $ 77.95
Ibsen Oral Pathology Dental Hygient  4E/04 $ 82.95
Jose Ess. of Oral Biology 2008 Rs. 595
Jose Manual Oral Histology Oral Pathology 2006 Rs. 275
Kalra MCQ's in Oral Pathology 2004 Rs. 160
Karunakaran Mcq`s in Oral Pathology 2007 Rs. 75
Khanna Principles of Dental Pharmacology 2E/05 Rs. 265
Kumar Orban's Oral Histology & Embryology 12E/08 Rs. 655
Kutscher Pharmacology for Dental Hygientist 2E/82 $ 19.5
Lamont Oral Microbiology & Immunology  2006 $ 79.95
Laskaris C/A Oral Diseases  3E/03 Eu 139
Laskaris Pocket Atlas Oral Diseases  1998 Eu 34.95
Laskaris Treatment of Oral Diseases  2005 Eu 49.95
Marsh Oral Microbiology  4./07 Pd 41.99
Marx Oral Maxillofacial Pathology  2003 Pd 283
Masthan Guide To Oral Patho.  1./08 Rs. 450
Mcmahon Ess. Pathology Dentistry  2000 Pd 35.99
Mohan Ess. Of Pathology For Dental Student  3./07 Rs. 525
Nagoba Microbiology For Dental Student  2007 Rs. 250
Neville C/a Of Clinical Oral Patho.  2./03 $ 110.95
Neville Oral & Mxillofacial Patho  3./09 Rs. 1525
Neville C/A Clinical Oral Pathology  2E/03 $ 110.95
Neville Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology  2E/05 Rs. 1325
Newland Oral Hard Tissue Diseases  2006 Rs. 795
Newland Oral Soft Tissue Disease  3./06 Rs. 995
Pickett Dental Drug Reference 2006 $ 46.95
Proffit Contemporay Treatment Of Dentofacial  1./08 Rs. 1995
Punia Viva Dental Pathology 2002 Rs. 110
Purkait Ess. of Oral Pathology (Reprint) 2E/04 Rs. 325
Rajendra Shafer Oral Pathology 5E/07 Rs. 1095
Rateitschak C/A of Dental Med. Oral Pathology 2000 Eu 199
Regezi Oral Pathology Clinical Pathology  5./08 Rs. 1595
Regezi Oral Pathology 5E/08 $ 114
Reichart  C/a Of Dental Medicine Oral Patho  200 Eu 199
Reichart C/A Dental Medicine Oral Pathology 2000 Eu 199
Reichart Odontogenic Tumors Allied Lesions 2004 Pd 106
Rooban MCQ's in Oral Pathology Expl. Answer 2007 Rs. 195
Samaranayake Ess Microbiology for Dentistry 3E/07 Pd 16
Sapp Cont. Oral & Max. Pathology 2E/04 $ 99
Saraf T/B of Oral Pathology 2006 Rs. 695
Saxena Manual of Oral Pathology  2006 Rs. 200
Schnalke Diseases in Wax  1995 Pd 128
Scully Oral Diseases Colour Guide  2E/99 Pd 18.99
Shafer T/b Of Oral Pathology  6./09 Rs. 1195
Shamim Review of Oral Pathology 2007 Rs. 150
Sharma T/b Of Dental Pharmacology  1./08 Rs. 695
Shear Cysts of Oral & Maxill. Regions 4E/07 Pd 99.5
Slootweg Dental Pathology 2007 Rs. 395
Soames Oral Pathology 4E/05 Rs. 1095
Sodhi Pharmacology a Pract. Manual Dent. Stud. 2004 Rs. 125
Somes Oral Pathology  4./05 Rs. 1095
Sproat Essential Human Diseases Dentists  2006 Pd 24.99
Sundaram Viva In Oral Pathology  2./06 Rs. 75
Talib T/B Prct. Path. Microbio. Dental Students 2006 Rs. 260
Tripathi Ess. Of Pharm. For Dentistry  2008 Rs. 425
Udaykumar T/b Of Pharm.for Dental  2007 Rs. 325
Udaykumar T/B of Pharmacology for Dental 2E/07 Rs. 295
Vanderwaal Oral Pathology  1988 Pd 75
Wynn Drug Information H/B Dentistry 5E/00 $ 39.95
Yadav Q & A Oral Medi. & Oral Patho.  2./06 Rs. 195
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Oral Radiology
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Bailoor Fun. Of Oral Medicine Radiology 2005 2005 Rs. 595
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Chandra MCQ Dental Radiology Anesthesia 2006 Rs. 75
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Dofka Dental Terminology 2E/07 $ 48.95
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Horner Interpreting Dental Radiographs 2002 Pd 28
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Kumar Short T/B of Oral Radiology 2006 Rs. 160
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Langland Principles of Dental Imaging 2E/02 $ 58.95
Larheim Maxillofacial Imaging 2006 Eu 199.95
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Miles Radiographic Imaging Dental Aux.  4/Ed. $ 62.95
Miyashita Contemporary Cephalometric Radiography 1996 Pd 138
Moritz Oral & Laser Application 2006 Pd 178
Pasler C/A Dental Medicine Radiology 1993 Eu 179
Pasler Pkt. Atlas Of Dental Rediology 2007 2007 Rs. 2395
Pramod John Ess. Dental Radiology  2007 Rs. 210
Preti Prosthetics Rehabilitation 2008 Pd 91
Q D T Quint of Dental Technology - Vol.29 2006 Pd 45
Rothman Dental Appl. Comput. Tomograpy  1998 Pd 69
Sadan Q D T, Vol-30 2007 Pd 47
Sherman Oral Radiosurgery  3E/02 Pd 85
Sikri Fundamentals of Dental Radiology 3E/06 Rs. 340
Tamura Ess. Dental Technology 1987 Pd 35
Thomson Exercises In Oral Rediography Tech. 2000 2000 $ 125
Umarji Concise Oral Radiology 1./08 1./08 Rs. 395
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White Osseointegrated Dental Technology 1993 Pd 32
White Oral Radiology Princ. Inter. 6/Ed. $ 175
White Oral Radiology (ind.) 6./09 6./09 Rs. 1245
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Oral Surgery
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Agarwal Concise Book Of General Surgery  2./04 Rs. 300
Andreasen T/b & C A Of Tooth Impactions  1./97 $ 249
Andreasen Traumatic Dental Injuries A Manu  2./03 $ 59.95
Atri Surgey For Dental Students,  2002 Rs. 175
Bagheri Clin. Review Oral Max. Surgery  2008 $ 103
Balaji T/B Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery  2007 Rs. 975
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Bank Killey`s Fractures Mandible  4./91 Rs. 250
Banks Fractures Of The Facial Skeleton  2001 Pd 36.99
Banks Fractures Of The Facial Skeleton, 2001 Rs. 595
Bansal BDS & CBS Exam General Surg. 2007 Rs. 175
Bell Distraction Osteogenesis of the Facial 2007 $ 249
Berkowitz  Cleft Lip Palate  2./06 Eu 349
Bhat Srb`s Surgery For Dental Student  1./08 Rs. 450
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Booth Maxillofacial Trauma & Recon  2009 Rs. 6995
Branemark  Osseointegration In Skeletal  1./97 Eu 101.25
Brown Clini. Guide To The Diag. & Treat. Of Chron Pd 17.99
Carl Cancer & Oral Cavity 1986 Pd 67
Carlson T/b & C/A of Salivary Glant Pathology 2008 Pd 82.5
Catone Laser Appl. Oral Maxil Surgery  1997 $ 115
Chakravarthy T/B of Oral & Maxillo. Surgery 2005 Rs. 395
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Chernega Emergency Guide Dental Auxil. 3E/02 $ 58.95
Clement Computer Graphic Facial Recons  1./05 $ 114
Coulthard Master Dentistry - Vol.1, 2./08 Pd 18
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Dawson Functional Occlusion From Tmj  2007 $ 166
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Dayal T/B of Forensic Odontology 1998 Rs. 125
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Fonseca Oral Maxillofacial Surgery 7 Vols 1./00 $ 975
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Fonseca Oral & Maxilo.trauma 2 Vols  3./09 Rs. 9995
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Fricton Tmj & Craniofacial Pain  1./00 Rs. 335
Ganarajan Surgery D. S. & Practitioners 1998 Rs. 75
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Goldwasser Oral & Maxillo. Surgery Clinics 2005 $ 81.95
Gonzalez The Aging Face $ 275
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Hanson Physical Therapy in Craniom. Diso. 1992 Pd 26
Hawkesford Maxillofacial & Dental Emerg., 94 Old Pd 14.95
Howe The Extraction Of Teeth  2./99 Rs. 395
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Hupp Contemporary Oral Max Surgery  5./08 $ 115
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Kaban Complica Oral & Maxillofacial Surger  1./97 Rs. 3995
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Killey An Outline Oral Surgery Part 2  1989 Rs. 225
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Krishnan Surgery for Dental Students  2E/02 Rs. 125
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Lambrecht 3-D Tech. Oral & Maxil. Surgery 1995 Pd 99
Laney Glossary Oral Maxillofacial Surgery  2007 Eu 98
Langdon Operative Maxillo Surgery 1998 Rs. 3995
Laskin Decision Making Oral & Maxi. Surgery  2007 Pd 71
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Laskin Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Vol 2 2009 Rs. 750
Lundgren Bone Reformation  2008 Pd 63
Lynch Tissue Engineering, 2008 Pd 73
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Malik T/b Of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery 2./08 Rs. 950
Mars Magt. Of Cleft Lip & Palat Dev. World 1./08 $ 70
Mcgowan Atlas Minor Oral Surgery Princ. 2E/99 Pd 55
Meechan Minor Oral Surgery in Dent.  27E/06 Pd 28
Miloro Peterson's Princ. of Oral & Max. Surg. 2Vols 2004 $ 399
Mitchell An Intro. to Oral & Max. Surgery 2007 Rs. 1095
Moore Princ. Oral Maxillofacial Surgery  5E/07 $ 63.99
Moore Principles Of Oral Surgery, 4./95 Rs. 110
Murley Maxillofacial Injuries 2 Vols (ind) 1./09 Rs. 7995
Ord Oral Cancer 2000 Pd 56
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Paul Medical Law for the Surgeon 2004 Rs. 185
Pedlar Oral Maxillofacial Surgery  2006 Pd 47.99
Perry Maxillofacial Care  1./99 Pd 22.99
Persing Soft Tissue Surgery Craniofacial Reg  1./07 Pd 170
Peterson Contem. Oral & Maxillo Surgery  4E/06 Rs. 1395
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Peterson Oral Maxillofacial Surgery 2 Vols  2004 $ 577.95
Piekartz Craniofacial Pain 2007 Pd 40.99
Porter Medicine Surgery Dentistry 1999 Pd 16.99
Posnick Craniofacial & Maxill Surgery 2 Vols  2000 Rs. 9995
Ranajit Sen Oral Surgery Medical Students  2002 Rs. 250
Rangarajan Viva In Dental Surgery  1998 Rs. 75
Romo Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery  1./00 Eu 199
Rosen Aesthetic Perspectives In Jaw Surgery  1./99 $ 28
Rowe Maxilofacial Injurles 2009 Rs. 7995
Saadia Atlas Of Dentofacial Orthopedics  1./99 Pd 55
Sachdev Review Oral Maxill Surgery 2008 Rs. 100
Samchukov Craniofacial Distraction  2001 $ 224
Scully Oral Maxillofacial Diseases, 3./04 Pd 200
Sen Fractures Middle Third Facial 2003 Rs. 150
Sen Fractures of Mandible 2003 Rs. 325
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Seward Outline Oral Surgery Part 1  1987 Rs. 295
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Shenoy Manual Of Surgery Dental Student  2./08 Rs. 550
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Siegel Cl. Guide Treat. Of Comm. Oral Cond, 6./06 $ 29.95
Siervo Suturing Tech. Oral Surgery 2008 Eu 178
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Sperber Craniofacial Development  1./01 $ 55.95
Srinivasan T/B of Oral & Maxil. Surgery (Reprint) 2E/05 Rs. 595
Sukumar General Surgery BDS Students  2000 Rs. 225
Sukumar General Surgery Bds Students  1./00 Rs. 225
Taware Evolving Trends Oral & Maxil Surgery  1./09 Rs. 995
Taware Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery  1./09 Rs. 1295
Thaller Craniofacial Surgery 2008 Pd 130
Thaller Facial Trauma  1./08 Rs. 4995
Thaller Craniofacial Surgery 2008 Pd 130
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Topazian Oral & Maxillofacial Infection (ind)  4./02 Rs. 3995
Turvey Facial Clefts Craniosynopsis 1996 $ 225
Tyler Guide To Treat. Of Med. Compl. Dent. Patien Pd 17.99
Varghese A Pract. Guide to Hospital Dent. 2008 Rs. 495
Ward Booth Maxillofacial Surgery,  2 Vols  2E/07 Pd 258
Wardbooth Maxillo. Trauma & Esthet Facial (i)  1./05 Rs. 6995
Watson Magt. Of Cleft Lip & Palate  1./01 $ 115.95
Wood Diff. Diag Oral & Maxil. Lesions (Reprint) 5E/07 Rs. 1145
Wray T/b Of General & Oral Surgery  1./03 Pd 44.99
Zarb Temporomandibular Joing & Masticatory  1./94 $ 165
Adams The Design Cons. & Use of Rem. Ort. (Reprint) 6E/93 Rs. 395
Alberktsson Tissue Preservation In Caries Treat. Pd 128
Alexander 20 Principles Alexander Discipline 2008 Pd 73
Arnett Facial & Dental Planning Orthod.  2004 Pd 124
Arvystas Ortho. Magt. Agenesis Comp.  2003 Pd 90
Becker The Orthodontic Treat. of Implant Teeth 2E/07 Pd 145
Bennet Orthodontic Management  2006 Pd 26.99
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Bernard Enhancement Orthodontics 2007 $ 74.99
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Brantley Orthodontics Materials  2007 Rs. 965
Brons Facial Harmony Orthognathic Surg. Ortho. 1998 Pd 55
Burstone Problems Solving in Orthodontics 2000 Pd 84
Cameron H/b Of Pediatric Dentistry 3./08 Pd 10
Chandra MCQ's in Orthodontics 2006 Rs. 95
Clark Twin Block Func. Therapy  2./02 Pd 149
Daskalogiannakis Daskalogiannakis-glossary Of Orthodontic Terms, 2000 Pd 65
Eliades Self Ligation in Orthodontics 2009 Pd 79.5
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Epker Dentofacial Deformities - Vol.1, 2e 1995 $ 185
Epker Dentofacial Deformities, 4 Vols  2./09 Rs. 18995
Foster T/b Of Orthodontics  3./90 Pd 6
Gill Orthodontics At A Glance  2008 $ 49.99
Goyal Viva Voice in Orthodontics 2004 Rs. 150
Graber Orthodontics Current Princ. Techniques 4E/05 $ 211
Graber Risk Magt. in Orthodontics  2005 Pd 78
Graber Dentofa.orthopedic With Func. App.  2./09 Rs. 3995
Graber Orthodontics Current Prin. & Tech. (Indian) 4./09 Rs. 3445
Graber T/b Of Orthodontics  4./09 Rs. 795
Graber Orthodontics Current Princ. Techni. 4./05 $ 219
Graber Risk Magt In Orthodontics  2005 Pd 78
Gregoret Orthodontics & Orthognathic Surgery 2003 Pd 115
Heintze Oral Health for the Orth. Pat. 1999 Pd 30
Ireland The Orthodontic Patient 2003 Rs. 895
Isaacson Removable Orthondontic Appliances  2006 Rs. 275
Jena Review in Orthodontics  2007 Rs. 395
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Korbendau  Surgical Orthodo, Tret Impt Teeth  2006 Eu 71
Krishnan Biological Mechanisms of Tooth Movement 2008 Pd 99.5
Kumar Orthodontics : Prep Manual for U.G. 2008 Rs. 425
Kumar Synopsis of Orthodntic Treatment  2007 Rs. 150
Lawson Bench-top Orthodontics 1./90 Pd 27
Lee Applications Of Orthodontic Mini-implants 2007 Pd 89
Levrini The Masters of Func. Orthodontics 2003 Pd 180
Linden Orthodontics Concepts  2004 Pd 110
Linden Orthodontics with Fixed Appliances  1997 Pd 77
Linden Problems & Procedures Dento. Orthop. 1990 Pd 45
Linden Practical Dentofacial Orthopedics  1996 Pd 51
Linden Orthodontics Concepts  2004 Pd 110
Linden Orthodontics With Fixed Appliances  1997 Pd 77
Linden Pblms & Procedures Dento. Orthop., 1./90 Pd 45
Linden Practical Dentofacial Orthopedics 1996 Pd 51
Lohakare  Orthodontic Removable Appliances 2008 Rs. 350
Ludwig Mini Implants Orthodontics  2007 Eu 118
Marcotte Biomechanics In Orthodontics  1990 $ 52
Marcotte Biomechanics In Orthodontics  1./08 $ 52
Mclaughlin Systemized Orthodontic Treatment 2001 Pd 135
Melsen Current Contraver. Orthodontics 1991 Pd 70
Millett Clin Probl. Solving Ortho. Ped. Dent. 2005 Pd 10
Millett Orthodontics & Pediatric Dentistry  2005 Pd 17.99
Millett Clin Probl. Solving Ortho. Ped. Dent.  2005 Pd 11
Mitchell An Intro. To Orthodontics  2007 Rs. 895
Mizarhi Orthodontic Pearls  2004 Pd 95
Nanda Biomecha. Esthetics Strategies Ortho.  2005 $ 180
Nanda Biomechanical Orthodontics  1997 $ 185
Nanda Temporary Ancho. Devi. In Ortho. 2009 $ 165
Nanda Biomechanics & Esthetic Strategies  2009 Rs. 4495
Nanda Biomecha. Esthetics Strategies Ortho.  2005 $ 187
Nanda Biomechanical Orthodontics  1997 $ 192
Nanda Temp. Anchorage Devices In Orthodontics, 2009 $ 165
Nightingale Orthodontics Pictures  2005 Pd 27.99
Orton Obe Functional Appl. in Orthod. Tr. 1990 Pd 30
Paik Orthodontic Miniscrew Implant  2009 Pd 89.99
Pancherz The Herbst Appliances  2008 Pd 118
Papadopoulose Orthod. Treatment Clas. Iincp. 2006 Pd 107
Parkhouse Tip Edge Orthodonitcs 2003 Pd 107
Perry Understanding Orthodontics 1997 Pd 20
Premkumar Orthodontics: Prep Manual For Ug Rs. 495
Proffit Contemp. Trmt. of Dentof. Deformity 2008 Rs. 2095
Proffit Contemporary Orthodontics  4./07 Rs. 1745
Proffit Contemporary Orthodontics  4./07 Rs. 1745
Rani Removable Orthodontic Appl. 2E/06 Rs. 265
Rani T/B of Orthodontics 3E/01 Rs. 325
Reyneke Ess. Orthognathic Surgery  2003 Pd 134
Roblee Interdis. Dentofacial Therapy 1994 Pd 91
Ronchi  Ortho-surgi.treat.dento.anom.w/cd 1./07 Eu 210
Saadia Atlas Dentofacial Orthopedics  1999 Pd 50
Sarver Esthetic Orthoontics & Ortho Surgery  2009 Rs. 3995
Scuzzo Invisible Orthodontics  2003 Pd 65
Singh T/B of Orthodontics 2E/07 Rs. 850
Singh Jaypee Gold Standard Orthodontics  2009 Rs. 395
Sundaram Viva in Oral Pathology 2E/06 Rs. 75
Trevisi Smart Clip Self Ligating  2007 Pd 94.99
Tuncay The Invisalign System 2006 Pd 140
Viazis Atlas Advanced Orthodontics  1998 $ 180
Vijayalakshmi MCQ's in Orthodontics 2006 Rs. 95
Wold Atlas Of Orthopedic Pathology  3./08 $ 219
Yanez 1001 Tips For Ortho & Its Secrets $ 189
P G Dentistry
Atul Soin Dental Exam Review Basic Science 2002 Rs. 175
Atul Soin Dental Exam Review Cl. Science 2E/02 Rs. 195
Babu Q/b For Bds 3rd  2./04 Rs. 60
Babu Ques. Bank & For Bds 4th Paper Rs. 75
Bal MCQ' s in Dentistry 2002 Rs. 160
Bansal Anatomy For Dental Students  2007 Rs. 175
Bansal Conservative Dentistry Ques & Ans  2008 Rs. 190
Bansal Dental Science Crack It Now Clinical  2008 Rs. 195
Bansal General Pathology & Microbiology  2007 Rs. 175
Bansal General Surgery Ques & Ans,  1./07 Rs. 175
Bansal Oral Histology & Anatomy  2007 Rs. 175
Bansal Pharmacology Que & Ans.  2007 Rs. 220
Bhatia Dentogist Mcq Basic Science  5./08 Rs. 395
Bhatia Dentogist Mcq Clinical Scienec  5./08 Rs. 395
Bhavani Mcqs In Periodontology  2005 Rs. 135
Bichu Comp. Rev Of Dental Pg. Supplement Rs. 195
Bokariya Histology For Dental Student  2008 Rs. 395
Chandra Mcq On Head & Neck Anatomy For Dental Rs. 80
Chandra Mcqs In Operative Dentistry & Endo.  2006 Rs. 150
Chandra Mcqs In Orthodontics  2006 Rs. 95
Chandra Mcqs In Periodontics  2006 Rs. 100
Chandra Mcqs In Prosthodontics  2006 Rs. 150
Chandra Mcqs On Biochemistry  2008 Rs. 95
Chandra Mcqs On Dental Ant,histo & Embry  200 Rs. 150
Chandra Mcqs On Physiology For Dental Student  2007 Rs. 70
Chauhan Dento- Quest for PG Dental Entrance Exam 2/08. Rs. 475
Choudhary AIIMS Dental PGEE 2006 Rs. 100
Choudhary Navin Dent. Review - Vol.2 2008 Rs. 1250
Choudhary Navin Dental Rev. for PGDEE 2007 Rs. 750
Choudhary PGI Dental June  2006 Rs. 50
Choudhary Dentodrite Rec. Pre. Year Que. For  Rs. 250
Daiya Con. Manual Of Dental Anatomy  1./05 Rs. 100
Dandriyal Review Of Oral Pathology  2001 Rs. 150
Dhawan Review of Dentistry - Vol.1 2002 Rs. 275
Dhawan Review of Dentistry - Vol.2 2002 Rs. 275
Dhoble Comp Rev Of Dental Postg.  Ent Exam  2007 Rs. 450
Dias Short Notes For Maxillofacial Surgery  2002 Rs. 160
Duggal Mcq`s In Dentistry  1./05 Rs. 250
Gambhir Dental Pgee  2006 Rs. 198
Gambhir Students Guide For Dental Pg Ent Exam  2008 Rs. 495
Gauri Shankar Dental Bytes Vol. 2 8/08. Rs. 1000
Goel Question Bank Dental PGEE 2005 Rs. 175
Gowri Shankar Dental Bytes 2 Vols  8./08 Rs. 1000
Gowrishankar Dentest Basic Science  4E/07 Rs. 650
Gowrishankar Dental Clinical Science 4/07. Rs. 725
Goyal Short Notes For Dental Pg Ent Exa Vol 3 Rs. 275
Goyal Short Notes For Dental Pg Ent Exam  2006 Rs. 150
Goyal Short Notes For Dental Pg Ent. Vol 2 Rs. 290
Guota Rev. Of Aipg Dental Ent Exam  2006 Rs. 450
Gupta Jaypee's Rev.of AIPGDEE 2001-06 2007 Rs. 450
Gupta Mastering the BDS 1st Year 2E/07 Rs. 175
Gupta Mastering the BDS 2nd Year 2E/07 Rs. 195
Gupta Mastering the BDS 3rd Year 2/07. Rs. 250
Gupta Dental Insight AIPGDEE  2007-2001 2007 Rs. 495
Gupta A Gateway To Mds Encyclopedia Of Mcq Rs. 210
Gupta Dental Insight 2007-01 2007 Rs. 495
Gupta Mastering Bds 2nd  Year  3./09 Rs. 250
Gupta Mastering The Bds 1st Year  2009 Rs. 250
Gupta Mastering The Bds 3rd Yr  2./09 Rs. 275
Gupta Mastering The Bds Final Year  2009 Rs. 350
Hine Review of Dentistry Q & A 7E/90 Rs. 375
Jain Review Series AIPG Dental Exam 2003 Rs. 110
Jayaprakash Mcq`s In Community Dentistry  2005 Rs. 160
Kalra Mcqs In Oral Pathology  2001 Rs. 160
Karunakaran Mcqs In Oral Pathology  2007 Rs. 75
Khumukcham Quick Review Clinical Dentistry  2007 Rs. 75
Krishna Question Bank 2nd Year BDS 2006 Rs. 60
Kumar Pre-ex Ortho. Pedo. Oral Med. & Radio. 2001 Rs. 275
Kumar Review AIPEE MDS 01-06  2006 Rs. 395
Kumar Dental Pulse Basic Science Vol 1  3./08 Rs. 525
Kumar Dental Pulse Vol. 2 Clinical Science  2008 Rs. 700
Kumar Orthodo, Pedo,oral Med & Radiology  2001 Rs. 275
Kumari Dental Digest  2008 Rs. 250
M.Babu Question Bank for 2nd Year BDS. 2E/04 Rs. 60
M.Babu Question Bank for 3rd Year BDS. 3E/05 Rs. 60
Marwah Pocket Book Of Pedodontics  2008 Rs. 295
Mishra All India Dental P.G. January 2008 Rs. 105
Mishra  Review & Self Assessment Of Aiims Basic Rs. 425
Mosby Review For The Nbde Pt 1  2007 Rs. 645
Mosby Review For The Nbde Pt 2  2007 Rs. 645
Panda MCQ's Dentistry Basic Sciences 2E/02 Rs. 275
Panda MCQ's Dentistry Clinical Sciences 2E/02 Rs. 275
Patteta Bhatia MCQ's in Dentistry ( Clin.) 4E/05 Rs. 350
Patteta Bhatia MCQ's in Dentistry ( Basic ) 4E/05 Rs. 350
Raffle Rds General Surgery  2007 Rs. 108
Ramaiah Question Bank Final BDS 2006 Rs. 130
Ramaiah Question Bank 3rd Year BDS 2006 Rs. 80
Ramaiah Question Bank for 1st Year BDS 2006 Rs. 60
Ramaiah Question Bank for Final BDS 2006 Rs. 150
Ramakamal Mcqs In Dentistry  2./04 Rs. 195
Raman Going Green Dental Prctitioners  2007 Rs. 125
Rayudu Dent Booster  2006 Rs. 144
Reddy Synopsis Of Dentistry  2003 Rs. 250
Rooban Mcq`s In Oral Histo,embry,phy & Tooth  2006 Rs. 95
Rustagi Compr. Review of KCET Dental P.G. 2007 Rs. 450
Sachdeva Review In Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Rs. 100
Saravanan Mcqs In Community Dentistry  2006 Rs. 90
Shamim Review Of Oral Pathology  2007 Rs. 150
Shankar Dent. Test Clinical Sciences  4E/07 Rs. 725
Shankar Dentest Basic Science  4./07 Rs. 650
Shankar Dentest Clinical Science  4./07 Rs. 725
Shankar Dentopedia For Bds 1st Yr  2009 Rs. 525
Singh Dental Focus for Comed-K PG( Dental ) Ent. Ex. 2008 Rs. 395
Singh Dental Pg Ser- Oral & Gen Surgery  2008 Rs. 295
Singh Mcq In Dentistry Clinical Science  2005 Rs. 240
Singh Viva In Oral Surgery For Dental Student  2001 Rs. 95
Soin All India Dental Entr. Exam Review  3E/06 Rs. 200
Srivastava MCQ's in Dental Sciences 2E/02 Rs. 160
Steinbacher First Aid for NBDE,  Part - 1 2007 $ 15.95
Toppers Topics For Pg Medical Entrance  2008 Rs. 295
V.P.Singh MCQs in Dentistry(Basic Sciences) 2006 Rs. 240
V.P.Singh MCQs in Dentistry(Clinical Scie.) 2005 Rs. 240
Verma Mcqs In Pedodontics  2004 Rs. 60
Vivekanand Manual Of Community Dentistry  2005 Rs. 160
Warsi  Mcqs In Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology  2000 Rs. 85
Yadav MCQ's in Dentistry 2E/07 Rs. 295
Yeltiwar MCQ's Clinical Dental Sciences (Reprint) 2006 Rs. 250
Zambito Manual Of Dental Therapeutics  1991 Rs. 160
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Baveja Medical Parasitology  1./07 Rs. 200
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Chatterjee Parasitology  12./80 Rs. 100
Dey Medical Parasitology  1997 Rs. 150
Greenwood Medical Microbiology  16./08 Rs. 650
Karyakarte Medical Parasitology  1./05 Rs. 235
Mackei Practical Medical Microbiology 14./08 Rs. 1645
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Parija T/b Of Medical Parasitology  3./09 Rs. 359
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Anderson Pathology 2 Vols   2009 Rs. 9995
Arora Pathology At A Glance 1./04 Rs. 150
Arora Pathology Made Easy  1./06 Rs. 260
Barnes Surgical Pathology Head & Nec 3 Vols  3./09 Pd 350
Bass Master Med.general & Syste. Pathology  3./09 Pd 10
Bibbo Comprehensive Cytopathology 3./08 $ 299
Bostwick Urologic Surgical Pathology 2./08 $ 289
Chakraborty Practical Pathology 2005 Rs. 285
Chaturvedi Practical Pathology  2./07 Rs. 300
Clement Atlas Of Gyne. Surgery Pathology  2./08 $ 235
Crum Diag. Gynecologic & Obst Pathology  1./06 $ 299
Damjanov Pathology Secrets  2./05 Rs. 545
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Dewoolkar H/b Of Surgical Pathology  1./05 Rs. 50
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Dey Practical Pathology  2004 Rs. 125
Dey T/b Of Pathology  5./05 Rs. 485
Eagle Eye Pathology  1999 $ 170
Eisenberg Comprehensive Radiographic Path  3./03 $ 64.95
Enzinger Soft Tissue Tumors  5./08 $ 349
Exp. Prof Exp. Prof- Notes For Pathology  1./04 Rs. 110
Farhi Pathology Of Bone & Marrow & Blood Cell  2009 $ 229
Fenderson Review Of Pathology  2007 $ 44.95
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Fox Pathology Of The Placenta  3./07 Pd 89.99
Galfione Deja Review Pathology  1./07 Rs. 12.95
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Harsh Mohan Pathology Practical  2./07 Rs. 375
Ioachim Lymph Node Pathology  4./09 $ 229
Jennette Pathology Of The Kidney 2vols   6./07 $ 359
Kilpatrick Diag. Muscu. Surgical Pathology $ 205
Kini Thyroid Cytopathology Atlas & Text  2008 $ 259
Klatt Review Of Pathology  2./08 Rs. 1145
Koss Diag Cytology & Histopathology 2 Vols   5./06 $ 359
Krishna T/b Of Pathology  1./04 Rs. 690
Kumar Basic Pathology  8./07 Rs. 1195
Lakhani Basic Pathology  3./03 Pd 6.99
Lever Histopathology Of The Skin  10./09 Rs. 3495
Maclennan Pathology For Urology  2003 $ 156
Macsween Pathology Of The Liver  5./07 Pd 205
Magee Pathology & Interven In Musculo Reh 1./09 $ 69.95
Maheshwari Clini. Pathology & Haematology  2005 Rs. 100
Miniello C A Of Cytology & Colposcopy  1./99 Rs. 995
Mishra Self Ass. & Review Pathology & Gen. 2./08 Rs. 369
Mohan T/b Of Pathology  5./08 Rs. 1095
Nucci Gynecologic Pathology  1./09 $ 159
Peterson Urologic Pathology  3./09 $ 279
Potter Pathology Fetus Infant & Child 2 Vols  2./07 $ 399
Professor Notes On Pathology  2000 Rs. 350
punia Viva In Pathology  1./06 Rs. 95
RDB Art Of Studying Surgical Pathology  1./99 Rs. 95
Reid Pathology Illustrated  6./05 Pd 9.5
robbins Atlas Of Pathology  2006 Rs. 1695
Robbins Pathologyc Basis Of Disease 7./08 Rs. 1745
Robbins Pkt. Comp. Patho. Basisi Of Disease  7./07 Rs. 495
Robby Pathology Of The Female Repro.  2./09 Pd 149
Rosai Surgical Pathology 2 Vols  9./04 Rs. 9995
Rosen Breast Pathology  3./09 $ 349
Rubin Pathology  5./08 $ 119
Rubin Ess. Of Pathology  5./09 Pd 79.95
sansyal Clinical Pathology A Practical Man  2./08 Rs. 395
Schnitt Biopsy Interpre. Of The Brest  2009 $ 150
Sehu Ophthalmic Pathology  2005 Pd 125
Shah Autopsies In Pathology  2./00 Rs. 100
Shah Pathology Notes  2007 Rs. 340
Slone Biopsy Pathology Of The Brest  2./01 Pd 99
Slootweg Surgical Patho. Ana. Of Head & Neck  $ 225
Srivastava A I D S Patho, Dia, Trea,& Prev.  3./07 Rs. 165
Stevens Pathology  2./05 Pd 12
Thompson Head & Neck Pathology  1./06 $ 139
Wickramasinghe Blood & Bone Marrow Pathology  2003 Pd 199
Yanoff Ocular Pathology 6./09 $ 325
Andlaw Manual of Pediatric Dentistry  4E/99 Pd 44.99
Bansal BDS & CBS India Exam Pedodontics 2007 Rs. 175
Birnbaum Oral Diagnosis Children Guide 2006 Rs. 1860
Cameron H/b Of Pediatric Dentistry 3./08 Pd 10
Chadwick Child Taming 2003 Pd 28
Chandra MCQ's in Pedodontics 2006 Rs. 150
Chandra T/B of Pedodontics with MCQ's 2002 Rs. 350
Curzon Kennedy's Ped. Operative Dentistry  4E/02 Rs. 995
Damle T/B of Pediatric Dentistry 3E/06 Rs. 750
Deery Pediatric Cardiology 2004 Pd 28
Duggal Restorative Tech Pediatric Dentistry  2./02 Rs. 3595
Finn Clinical Pedodontics 4./04 Rs. 595
Gupta Dental Diseases : Diff. Diag. 2008 Rs. 495
Heasman Master Dentistry Vol.2,  2008 Pd 12
Koch Pediatric Dentistry A Cl. App 2/09. Pd 85
Kohli Dental Care For Children 2008 Rs. 375
Malek Cleft Lip & Palate  1./08 Rs. 5595
Mao Craniofacial Growth & Development 1/09. Pd 75
Marwah Jp Gold Std. Mini Atlas Pedodontics 1./08 Rs. 395
Marwah Compreh. Pediatric Dentistry  2006 Rs. 297
Mathewson Fund. Pediatric Dentistry 8E/95 Pd 41
McDonald Dentistry & Child Adolescent  8E/04 Rs. 1095
Mcdonald Dentistry Child & Adolescent 5./02 Rs. 495
Mpirso Clinical Cases in Pediatric Dentistry 2009 Pd 49.5
Muthu MCQ's in Pediatric Dentistry 2005 Rs. 245
Muthu Pediatric Dentistry Princ. & Practice  1./09 Rs. 695
Pinkham Pediatric Dentistry  2005 Rs. 1525
Rao Princ, Prct Of Pedodontics  2./08 Rs. 550
Scully C/A Oral Dis. Children Adolescents  1996 $ 115
Scully C/A Orofacial Health Dis. Children  2E/02 Pd 90
Sheiham Promoting Children Oral Health 2006 Pd 29
Shobha Tandon T/B of Pedodontics 2E/08 2./08 1495
Tilakraj Ess. of Pedodontics 2003 Rs. 195
Verma MCQ's in Pedodontics 2004 Rs. 60
Welbury Paediatric Dentistry Rs. 1295
Axelsson Diagnosis & Risk Predi. of Period Dis. 2002 Pd 111
Bansal BDS & CBS Exam Periodont Q & A. 2007 Rs. 195
Bartold Biology Periodontal Conn. Tissue 1998 Pd 61
Bateman Contemporary Periodontal Surgery 2007 Pd 28
Berns Understanding Periodontal Diseases  1993 Pd 18
Bhavani MCQ's in Periodontology 2005 Rs. 150
Bimstein Periodontal & Gingival Health Disease 2001 Pd 85
Carranza Clinical Period. Dental Hygients  1986 $ 52
Carranza History of Periodontology 2003 Pd 29
Carranza Clinical Periodontology  10ed Rs. 1750
Carranza Clinical Period. Dental Hygients  1986 $ 52
Chandra MCQ's in Periodontics 2006 Rs. 100
Chapple Periodontal Medicine - a Win 2006 Pd 48
Chapple Understanding Period Dis. Ass & Diag. 2002 Pd 28
Choudhary Comprehensive On Periodontics 2008 Rs. 125
Clerehugh Periodontal Magt. Children Adol. 2004 Pd 28
Clerehugh Periodontology At a Glance 2009 Pd 28
Cochran Plaque & Calculus Removal 1994 Pd 23
Cohen Atlas of Cosmetic & Recon. Perio. Surgery 3E/07 $ 179.95
Cohen Interdisciplinary Treatment Planning  2008 Pd 173
Dibart Pract. Advanced Periodontal Surgery 2007 $ 69.99
Dibart Practical periodontal Diag. & Trat. Planning 2009 Pd 44.99
Dibart Pract Periodontal Plastic Surgery 2006 $ 69.99
Eley Periodontics 5./04 Pd 53.99
Evian Advanced Periodontal Surgery 2009 Pd 129.95
Galgut Periodontics Conc. Treatment Stratg.  2001 Pd 65
Gehrig Found. Periodontics Dental Hyg.,  2./08 $ 65.95
Gehrig Fund. Of Periodontal Instrument 6./08 $ 53
Greenwall Bleaching Techn In Resto. Den  2002 Pd 85
Hall Critical Decision Periodontology  4E/03 $ 110.95
Hall Decision Making Periodontology  3E/98 $ 66
Heasman Periodontology Colour Guide 2005 Pd 16.99
Heasman Successful Period. Thera. Non Surg. App. 2004 Pd 28
Ito C/a Periodontal Surgery 1994 $ 140
Jacob Viva Voice In Periodontics+B14 2008 Rs. 150
Jacobsen Restorative Dentistry  1./08 $ 74.95
Lang Proceed 1st European Ws Periodontology 1994 Pd 42
Lang Proceed 2nd European Ws Periodontology 1997 Pd 48
Lang Proceed 3rd European Ws Periodontology 1999 Pd 48
Lang Proceeding European Workshop 1998 Pd 42
Lang Proceed 3rd European Ws Periodontology 1999 Eu 50
Laskaris Perio. Manif. of Local & Sys. Dis. 2003 Eu 159
Lindhe Clinc. Period. Implant Dent.,  2 Vols  5E/08 $ 169
Lindhe Cl. Periodontology & Implant Dent. 4./03 Rs. 1750
Manson Outline of Periodontics  4E/02 Rs. 995
Marwah J G S M A S : Pedodontics,  2008 Rs. 395
Millar Reinforced Periodontal Instrum. 2008 $ 35.95
Mueller Periodontology Essentials 2005 Rs. 3133
Nabers Periodontal Therapy 1./94 Rs. 525
Narayanaswamy Review of Cl. Periodontology 2007 Rs. 125
Newman Carranza's Clinical Periodontology, 10./07 Rs. 1895
Noble Decision Making Periodontal Team 2003 Pd 28
Nymphea Concise Periodontics 2008 Rs. 250
Paqette Cinical Periodontal Medicine 2009 Pd 89.95
Parmeswaran Materials In Restorative Dentistry  Rs. 200
Pattison Instrumentation Periodontics, 2./92 $ 77
Pawlak Essentials Of Periodontics 3./91 Rs. 150
Perry Periodontology For The Dental Hygienist  3./07 $ 61.95
Preus Periodontal Diseases 2003 Pd 33
Radhakrishnan Q & A Exam Orient Periodon. 2007 Rs. 250
Rahmatulla Magt Of Dental Caries Traumatic Resto  Rs. 210
Rao T/B of Periodontology (Revised Edn.) 2E/07 Rs. 445
Reddy Ess Of Clinical Periodontology  2./08 Rs. 750
Rose Periodont. Med. Surgery Implants 2004 $ 125
Sato Periodontal Surgery Cl. Atlas,  2000 Pd 183
Scannapieco Periodontology Dental Clin.,  Vol.49  2005 $ 74.95
Schoen Contemporary Periodintal Instrume. 1996 $ 54.95
Scott Medicolegal Pract. Series Dentistry  1./01 Rs. 395
Serio Manual Clinical Periodontics  2006 Rs. 795
Singh Perio-Scan (MCQ's Periodontology)  2005 Rs. 252
Tuncer Periodontal Tissue Destructive Remod. 2003 Pd 17
Vandersall Con. Encyclopedia Of Periodonto. 2007 $ 74.99
Varma Clinical Periodontology  2./09 Rs. 525
Vernino The Periodontics Syllabus 5E/08 $ 44
Walmsley Restorative Dentistry  2./07 Rs. 2995
Watts Periodontics in Practice  2000 Pd 80
Wilkins Clin. Pract. Dent. Hyg., 7./94 Rs. 850
Wilson Dental Maintence Patient Periodontics 1989 Pd 48
Wilson Fundamentals of Periodontics  2E/03 Pd 58
Wilson Periodontal Regen. Enhanced 1999 Pd 37
Wilson Advances In Periodontics, 1992 Pd 89
Wilson Dental Maintence Patient Periodontics  1989 Pd 48
Wolf C/a Dental Hygiene Periodontology  2006 Rs. 3415
Wolf C/a Dental Medicine Periodontology  3./05 Rs. 13685
Dental Pharmacology
Ahmed Raffle Dental Series Pharmacology 2006 Rs. 108
Bansal BDS & CBS Exam Pharma Q & A. 2007 Rs. 220
Chandra MCQ's Pharmacology Dental Students 2007 Rs. 75
Dhikav Pharmacology for Dental Students 2003 Rs. 325
Dhikav Pharmacology for Dental Students 2003 Rs. 325
Gupta H/B of Pharmacology for D. S. 2E/03 Rs. 90
Gupta H/B of Pharmacology for Dental Students 2E/03 Rs. 90
Haveles Applied Pharm. for the Dent.Hyg. 5E/07 $ 77.95
Khanna Principles of Dental Pharmacology 2E/05 Rs. 265
Kutscher Pharmacology for Dental Hygientist 2E/82 $ 19.5
Pickett Dental Drug Reference 2006 $ 46.95
Sodhi Pharmacology a Pract. Manual Dent. Stud. 2004 Rs. 125
Tripathi Ess. Pharmacology for Dentistry 2005 Rs. 395
Udaykumar T/B of Pharmacology for Dental 2E/07 Rs. 295
Wynn Drug Information H/B Dentistry 5E/00 $ 39.95
Yagiela Pharmacology & Therap. for Dent. 5E/05 Rs. 1095
Agarwala H/b Of Physiology With McQ Rs. 185
Agarwala Short Text Book Of Physiology  1./05 Rs. 250
Baran Ess.of Medical Physiology  3./07 Rs. 495
Berne Principles Of Physiology 4./06 $ 43
Berne Physiology  6./08 Rs. 1395
Birch Instant Notes: Sport & Exercise Phy.  2005 Rs. 295
Borley Instant Physiology 2007 Pd 5.99
Boron Medical Physiology (f)  2./09 $ 122
Boron Medical Physiology (ind)  2./09 $ 62.95
Chandramouli T/b Of Physiology  2./03 Rs. 375
Chatterjee Ess. Human Physiology 1./04 Rs. 175
Chatterjee Ess. Of Human Physiology  2./07 Rs. 225
Chatterjee Esse. Of Medical Physiology 1./08 Rs. 250
Chatterjee Human Physiology Vol. 1 Rs. 250
Chatterjee Human Physiology Vol. 2 Rs. 250
Chatterjee Viva Voce On Medical Physiology Practi Rs. 125
chaudhuri Concise Medical Physiology  6./08 Rs. 735
Costanzo Brs Physiology 4./07 Rs. 495
Das Physiology & Biochemistry  4./06 Rs. 235
Davies Human Physiology  1./01 Pd 36.99
Despopoulos C/a Of Physiology  2006 Rs. 955
Ganong Review Of Medical Physiology  2./07 $ 695
Geetha T/b Of Medical Physiology  2008 Rs. 450
Ghai T/b Of Human Neurophysiology  1996 Rs. 150
Ghai T/b Of Practical Physiology  7./07 Rs. 225
Golwalla Phy Diag T/b Of Symp Physical Sgn 12./07 Rs. 450
Goyal Mcq`s Physiology & Biochemistry  Rs. 70
Guyton Physiology Review  1./07 Rs. 425
Guyton Pkt. Comp. Medical Physiology  11./07 Rs. 395
Guyton T/b Of Medical Physiology  11./06 Rs. 1445
Jain Concise Physiology For Ug.  1./05 Rs. 600
Jain Human Physiology In Nutshell  2005 Rs. 160
Jain Manual Of Practical Physiology For Mbbs Rs. 300
Jain T/b Of Physiology Vol 1 Rs. 400
Jain T/b Of Physiology Vol 2  3./07 Rs. 400
Johnson Ess. Medical Physiology  3./03 Rs. 995
Joshi Prep Manual For Ug Physiology  3./08 Rs. 495
Kain Compre. Mcq In Human Physiology  1./03 Rs. 240
Kesar Experimental Physiology  1./07 Rs. 150
Khurana Ess. Of Medical Physiology  2008 Rs. 750
Khurana T/b Of Medical Physiology  2009 Rs. 945
Makwana Mcq`s In Physiology  2005 Rs. 135
Marya Medical Physiology  2./03 Rs. 295
mukharjee Handbook Of Human Physiology  1./06 Rs. 200
Netter Atlas Of Human Physiology  1./03 $ 27
Pal T/b Of Practical Physiology  2./05 Rs. 325
Panda Physical Cum Differ. Diag.  1./05 Rs. 125
Penney App & Lang Review Physiology  1./98 $ 14.95
Ranade Lab. Manual & Journal Of Physiology  1./04 Rs. 175
Ratan H/b Of Human Physiology  7./02 Rs. 160
Reddy Practical  Physiology   1./05 Rs. 275
Rhoades Miedcal Physiology Princ  3./09 $ 79.95
Sembulingam Ess. Of Medical Physiology  4./08 Rs. 795
Sembulingam Viva Voce In Physiology  2./09 Rs. 175
Silbernagl C/a Of Pathophysiology  1./06 Rs. 955
Sircar Principles Of Medical Physiology  2008 Eu 39.95
Sircar Medical Physio Illustrat Part 2 -  2002 Rs. 240
Suman Medical Physiology Vol 1   1./06 Rs. 320
Tandon Book Of Sure Success Physiology  1./05 Rs. 70
Vander Human Physiology  11./08 $ 39.95
Ward Physiology At A Glance  1./06 Rs. 295
wright Applied Physiology  13./08 Rs. 495
Yatiraj Physiolo Solv. Quest. Paper   1./04 Rs. 185
Addy Tooth Wear & Sensitivity  2000 Pd 85
Addy  Tooth Were &  Sensivity  1./08 4595
Agarwal Complete Dentures Prosthodontics  2004 Rs. 300
Ahmad Protocols Predict Aesth. Restor. 2006 Pd 49.5
Ahmad Protocols Predict Aesth. Restor  2006 $ 105.99
Albers Tooth Coloured Restorative  9E/02 $ 52.95
Albers Tooth Coloured Restorative 9./02 $ 52.95
Albrektsson Tissue Preser. Caries Treat. 2001 Pd 88
Albrektsson Tissue Preser Caries Treat, 2001 Pd 88
Allen Complete Dentures Planning Prob. Sol. 2E/03 Pd 28
Allen Teeth for Life Older Adults 2002 Pd 28
Allen Complete Dentures Planning Prob Sol 2./03 Pd 28
Allen Teeth For Life Older Adults,  2002 Pd 28
Andreasen T/B & C/A of Traumatic Inj. Teeth 4E/07 Pd 155
Andreasen Traumatic Dental Injuries Manual 2./07 $ 59.99
Andreasen T/b & C/a Of Traumatic Inj.teeth, 4./07 $ 299.99
Andreason T/B C/A Tooth Implactions  1997 $ 249
Araujo Composite Restoration In Anterior Teeth  2005 Pd 109
Ash Wheeler`s Atlas Of Tooth Form  5./84 $ 69.95
Bansal BDS & CBS Exam Prosthod. Q & A. 2007 Rs. 250
Baratieri Composite Restoration Ante. Teeth 2005 Pd 109
Bartlett Clinical Problem Solving Prosthod. 2004 Pd 31.99
Basker Prosth. Treatment Edentulous Pat  4./02 $ 79.99
Bassi Advances Clinical Prosthodontics  1999 Eu 150
Berns Understanding Impacted Wisdom Tooth 1998 Pd 18
Berns Why Replace Missing Back Tooth 1994 Pd 18
Berns Why Root Canal Therapy 2E/93 Pd 20
Bhat MCQ's in PG's Prosthodontics 2005 Rs. 225
Branemark Craniofacial Prostheses 1998 Pd 69
Branemark Osseointeg. & Autogen Onlay Bone 2001 Pd 84
Branemark Osseointeg. Craniofacial Reconst. 1998 Pd 111
Branemark Rehab. Comp. Cleft Palate & Cra. Max. 1999 Pd 71
Branemark Tissue Intergrated Prostheses 1990 Pd 68
Brudvik Advanced Removable Partial Dentures 1999 Pd 34
Budtz Prosthodontics Elderly Diag. Treatment  1999 Pd 63
Camlog Compendium 2 Prosthetics  2005 Rs. 2735
Carr Mccrack Removal Partial Prosthod. 11E/05 $ 98
Carr Mccrack. Removab Partial Prosth. (P/B)  11E/05 Rs. 850
Chandra MCQ's in Prosthodontics  2006 Rs. 150
Chiche Esthetics of Ante. Fixed Prosthod. 1994 Pd 69
Chiche Smile Design  2004 Pd 72
Davenport Prosthetic Treatment Of The Eden  4./02 $ 79.99
Degrange Minimally Invasive Rest. Bonding 1997 Pd 69
Denissen Atlas Of Porcelain Restorations  1990 $ 44.65
Drummond C/A of Text Dental Care Elderly 1995 Pd 81
Eisen The Mouth Diag. Treatment  1998 $ 94
Engleman Cl. Decision Making Treat. Osse. 1996 Pd 58
Feinman Bleaching Teeth, 1./87 Pd 11
Fenn Clinical Dental Prosthetics (Reprint) 2E/08 Rs. 475
Fischer Esthetics & Prosthetics 1995 Pd 63
Fradeani Esthetic Rehab. - Vol.1: Esth. Analy. 2004 Pd 156
Freese Practical Guidelines On Dental Occl.  2./08 $ 79
Freilich Fiber Reinf. Composites Cl. Dent. 2000 Pd 48
Garber Porcelain & Composite Inlays Onlays 1994 Pd 48
Garcia Removable Partial Dentures 2/08. Pd 49.5
George T/B of Complete Denture Prosthod. 2006 Rs. 395
Goldstein Change Your Smile  3E/97 Rs. 1950
Goldstein Complete Dental Bleaching 1995 Pd 48
Goldstein Change Your Smile  3./97 Rs. 1950
Graber C/A Dental Materials Remov Dent. 1988 Eu 149
Graber C/A of Dental Medicine 2E/88 Eu 199
Greenwall Bleaching Tech. Restor. Dentistry  2002 Pd 85
Grohmann Dragon Teeth & Parrot Beaks 1998 Pd 31
Grundy An Illustr. Guide Dental Med. Patient 1993 Pd 35.99
Gupta T/b Of Remo,partial Prosthodontics  1./09 Rs. 375
Gurel Science Art Procelain Laminate Veneers 2003 Pd 138
Haywood Tooth Whitening 2007 Pd 58
heartwell Syllabus Of Complete Dentures  4./84 Rs. 595
Hegde Step by Step Root Canal Treatment 2006 Rs. 395
Hegenbarth Creative Ceramic Colour 1990 Pd 48
Inglehart Oral Health Related Quali.of Life 2002 Pd 34
Jacobsen Restorative Dentistry 2./08 $ 74.95
Jenkins Precision Attachments 1999 Pd 24
Jensen Alveolar Distract. Osteogenesis 2002 Pd 82
Jensen The Sinus Bone Graft 2E/06 Pd 107
Jepson Removable Partial Dentures 3E/04 Pd 28
Kataoka Nature's Morphology 2002 Pd 55
Kawabe Complete Dentures 2000 Rs. 395
Kelleher Dental Bleaching 2008 Pd 28
Klineberg Occlusion & Clinical Practice  2004 Pd 40.99
Klugman Prosthodontics Clinical Prct. 2002 Pd 85
Korson Inspiration Truly Trooth Restoration 1996 Pd 54
Kothavade H/B Complete Denture Prosthod.  2004 Rs. 100
Kurer The Kurer Anchor System  1984 Pd 65
Lamb Problem Solution Comp. Dent. Prosthod. 1993 Pd 30
Lovely Review Complete Dentures 2005 Rs. 225
Lovely Review of Fixed Partial Dentures 2006 Rs. 195
Lovely Review Removable Partial Dentures,  2005 Rs. 195
Lucas Attachments for Prosthetic Dentistry 1994 Pd 27
Lucia Treatment of the Edentlous Patient  1986 Pd 105
Magne Bonded Procel. Restorations 2003 Pd 134
Manappallil Complete Dental Prosthodontics 2004 Rs. 450
Marx Dental & Craniof. Appl. Plate 2005 Pd 58
Marx Oral & Intravenous Bisphosph. Jaws  2007 Pd 58
McClarence Close to the Edge 2003 Pd 54
McCord Missing Teeth  2003 Pd 29.99
Mccord Treatment Of Edentulous Patient  2004 $ 49.95
Mccracken Removable Partial Prosthodontics  11./05 Rs. 795
Mcgivney Mccrackens Remov. Partial Prost.  9./97 $ 14
McLean Dental Ceramics Proc. 1983 Pd 113
Mclean The Science & Art Of Dental Cer.,vol-2 2./82 Pd 113
McNeill Current Contro. Tempor. Disorders 1992 Pd 45
Micheelsen Design Of The Partial Remov. Dent. 2008 $ 69
Miller Removable Partial Prosthodontics  2./08 $ 43.95
Minoru New Magnetic Appl. in Clin. Dent. 2004 Pd 50
Misch Dental Implant Prosthetics  2005 $ 161
Mormann Intern. Symposium Computer Rest. 1991 Pd 42
Mount Atlas Glass Ionomer Cements  3E/02 Pd 80
Mount Preservation Restort. Tooth Structures 1998 Pd 57.95
Murphy Managing Orofacial Pain In Pract. 2008 Pd 28
Muterthies Replicarion of Anterior Teeth 1991 Pd 10
Naert Osseo. Integr. in Oral Rehabil. 1993 Pd 14.5
Nallaswamy T/b Of Prosthodontics 2006 Rs. 850
Newland Oral Hard Tissue Diseases  2003 Rs. 795
Okeson Bell's Orofacial Pain 6E/05 Pd 47
Okeson Orofacial Pain Guidelines Assess Magt. 1990 Pd 20
Okeson Magt Of Temporomandibular Dis  6./08 $ 99
Osullivan Fixed Prosthodontics Dental Pract. 2005 Pd 28
Phoenix Stewart Cl. Remov Prosthodontics 3E/03 Pd 63
Phoenix Stewart Clin. Remov. Partial Prost.  4./08 Pd 63
Pompignoli Clin. Succes Immed Complete Dent.  2008 Pd 64
Preiskel Overdentures Made Easy 1996 Pd 30
Preston Perspectives Dental Ceramics 1988 Pd 120
Proffit Contemp. Treatment Dentofa Deform  2003 $ 215
Radlanski Contrib Develop Tooth Primordia 1993 Pd 41
Rahn T/B of Complete Dentures  5E/03 Rs. 995
Ram Prosthodontics at a Glance Q & A. 2006 Rs. 50
Reap Complete H/B of Dental Auxillaries 1981 Pd 20
Robinson Tooth Extraction  2002 Rs. 695
Rodd Treatment Planning Develop. Dentistry  2006 Pd 28
Romano The Art of Smile  2005 Pd 152
Rosenstiel Contemp. Fixed Prosthodontics 4E/06 Rs. 1475
Sadatullah Manual Tooth Carving  2003 Rs. 195
Sarandha T/B Complete Dentures Prosthod.  2007 Rs. 350
Scully Dental Update Orofacial Diseases  2003 Pd 36.99
Shillinburg Fundamentals Of Tooth Preparation  2008 Rs. 2495
Shillingburg Fund.of Fixed Prosthodontics 3./97 Rs. 2250
Smales Porcelain Laminate Veneers For Dentist 3 2005 Rs. 525
Smith Planning Make Crowns Bridges  4E/07 Pd 125
Soratur Ess. of Prosthodontics 2006 Rs. 395
Soratur Viva in Prosthodontics 2005 Rs. 150
Sperber Craniofacial Development 2001 $ 55.95
Stevens Implant Prosthodontics  2000 $ 145
stewart Clinical Removable Partial Prosth  2./04 Rs. 495
Stratton An Atlas Of Rem. Partial. Dent. Dis. 1988 Pd 41
Stuart Gnathologic Tooth Preparation  1985 Pd 58
Tay Resin Bonded Bridges  1992 Pd 55
Taylor Clinical Maxillofacial Prosthetics  2000 Pd 98
Taylor Lab. Tech. 4 Branemark System 1990 Pd 37
Terezhalmy Urgent Care Dental Office  1998 Pd 48
Thomas Prosthetic Rehabilitation  1994 Pd 30
Tsukiboshi Treatment Plan for Traumat. Teeth 2000 Pd 51
Tsukiboshi Autotransplantation Of Teeth  2002 Pd 92
Tyson Understanding Partial Denture Design 2008 Rs. 595
Ubassy Shape & Color Key To Cera.restor. 1./95 Eu 112
V.P. Singh Mcqs In Dentistry(basic Sciences) 2006 Rs. 240
V.p. Singh Mcqs In Dentistry(clinical Scie.) 2005 Rs. 240
Van Beeck Dental Morphology  2003 Pd 20.99
Varley Comple. Therapies Dental Prctice 1998 Pd 27.5
Vinay H/B of Complete Denture 2004 Rs. 95
Wassell Applied Occlusion  2008 Pd 48
Weinberg Atlas Tooth Implant Prosthod. 2003 Pd 81
Welbury Managing Dental Trauma Prct. 4E/06 Pd 28
Whiteworth Rational Root Canal Treatment 2002 Pd 28
Winkler Ess. Of Complete Denture Prostho. 2./09 Rs. 550
Wirz Electroforming Restorative Dentistry  2000 Pd 194
Witt Removable Appliance Fabrication  1988 Pd 56
Worthington Advanced Ossoeinteg. Surgery  1992 Pd 105
Yip Tooth Erosion Prev. & Treatment  2006 Rs. 595
Zarb Prostho. Treat. Edentulous Patients 12E/04 Rs. 695
Tmj & Occlusion
Bush Tempor. Joint Related Orofacial Dis. 1995 $ 75
Dawson Functional Occlusion 2007 $ 166
Deeeuw Deleeuw - Orofacial Pain 4./08 Pd 20
Freese Freese - Pract. Guideline Dent. Occlusion 2./08 $ 79
Friction Tmj & Craniofacial Pain  2000 Rs. 395
Friedman Temporomandibular Joint Disorders 1985 Pd 45
Gibilisco Orofacial Pain 1994 Pd 20
Klineberg Occlusion & Clinical Prct. 2004 Pd 40.99
Laskin TMDS Evidence Based Approach Diag. 2006 Pd 93
Linder Excess Face Height Maloccusion  2000 Pd 33
McNeill Science & Practice of Occlusion 1997 Pd 105
Mohl T/B of Occlusion 1988 Pd 52
Okeson Magt. Temp Disorders Occlusion  6E/08 $ 99
Piekartz Piekartz - Craniofacial Pain 2007 Pd 64.99
Quinn C/A of Temporomandi. Joint Surgery  1998 $ 169
Santos Occlusion : Princ. & Treatment 2007 Pd 52
Sharma Sharma - Sexually Tran. Dise. & Hiv/aids  2./09 Rs. 2995
Shillingburg Guide Occlusal Waxing  3E/00 Pd 21
Solnit Occlusal Correction Prin. Prct. 1988 Pd 100
Wright Manual Temporomand. Disorders  2005 Pd 29.5
Zakrzewska Ass. Mgmt. Orofacial Pain,  Vol.14  2002 Pd 47.99
Zarb Temporomandibular Joint Mastic  1994 $ 165
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