SevaDharma Dental Clinic: 2011

Friday 25 November 2011

Periapical Osteofibrosis

Is it periapical osteofibrosis ?

Saturday 19 November 2011

Post and core with first molar

Post and core with first molar : - 
This the RVG of the female patient age 23 years giving history of hemisection with post and core with lower left first molar one and half year ago .Now she is having pain and swelling clinically . Radigraphically there is periapical abscess seen with distal canal which  is not obturated in middle and apical third .Probably the same tooth will for the extraction after working for one and half year with sacrifice of  enamel of adjacent molar for additional support .

Sunday 9 October 2011

dental management information systems (DMIS)

dental management information systems (DMIS)

What is a turnkey software application?
There are basically two types of software systems: turnkey systems, which
attempt to provide all of the necessary functions of a DMIS, and modular systems,
which allow the addition of functions as the needs demand. Dentrix, Softdent, and
PracticeWorks are examples of popular turnkey systems. Modular systems depend
on the interaction with commercially software to provide the desirable functions of
a DMIS. This approach saves initial software cost but requires learning several
different programs.

What are the major guidelines for choosing a software vendor?
• How long has the company been in business?
• How long has the software been in use?
• How many installations are there?
• Can it integrate with commercial software?
• Is technical support responsive? How long is the response time?
• Does the vendor offer installation, training, and data conversion?
• How often are updates provided, and will the vendor make changes on an
individual basis?
• Will the vendor supply a list of current users?
• Are service contracts available?

How can a DMIS benefit a dental practice?
• Daily office management
• Business planning resource
• Chairside clinical support system
• Quality assurance management
• Risk management assessment
• Research tool for clinical studies

How can a computer function as an analytical tool for practice
analysis and business planning?
As an analytical tool the computer is unsurpassed. The DMIS software builds
databases in a variety of categories:
1. Registration data (e.g., name, address, phone numbers, date of birth,
insurance plans, Social Security number)
2. Patient medical history data (e.g., all significant positive elements,
3. Production data by category (e.g., provider, ADA code, insurance plan)
4. Laboratory fee data by laboratory, patient, and provider
5. Inventory usage data
6. Equipment maintenance logs
By allowing rapid retrieval of data in a meaningful way, the computer helps
with management decisions, business planning, and quality assurance
assessments and analyzes treatment outcomes and morbidity. Often a report can
be generated by category or key word searching to allow solving a variety of
interesting problems. Consider answering the following questions:

• How should a fee schedule be adjusted to account for a 5% increase in
laboratory costs and a 7.5% increase in consumables? How will this affect net
• How many patients have insurance plan B? What is the income from this
group? What would be the impact on production figures if they left the practice?
• How does the productivity of each practice hygienist compare? How
should their fees be adjusted to allow a 7.5% salary increase?
• What is the cancellation (broken appointment) rate for each of the
operators? What time of day has the highest rates?
Such data are difficult and time-consuming to retrieve and calculate
manually. If the DMIS is properly designed, such data are retrievable at will, with
no extra effort, because the relevant data are entered routinely for every patient
and continually updated. Projections can be easily made by applying the data
received to a spreadsheet analysis.

Monday 3 October 2011

Thursday 11 August 2011

Follow up of root canal patient

Follow up of root canal patient

Before treatment

Immediately After Treatment

Eight months After Treatment

Tuesday 9 August 2011

Friday 5 August 2011

Bone density classification

Bone density classification

*   1. dense compact (D-1) bone
*   2. dense to thick porous compact and coarse trabecular (D-2) bone
*   3. porous compact and         fine trabecular (D-3) bone
*   4. fine trabecular (D-4) bone

Division of available bone

Thursday 4 August 2011

Surgical technique

Surgical technique
*   Patient sedation, local anesthesia, and preparation of an aseptic environment
*   Antiseptic mouth rinse : Chlorhexidine scrub and rinse may be used
*   Iodophor compounds ( Betadine ) are a most effective antiseptic, but inhibit the osteoinduction of demineralized bone
Regional anesthesia
*   Blocking maxillary nerve (v2 ) : 1.8 ml
*   Hemimaxilla, side of nose, cheek, lip, sinus area
*   Long-acting anesthetic : Bupivacaine 0.5 % or Etidocaine 1.5 % with EPI 1:200,000
Local infiltration
*   Labial mucosa and palatal region
*   Complete hemostasis
*   Lidocaine 2 % with EPI 1:100,000   

Wednesday 3 August 2011

Patient evaluation treatment planning for edentulous posterior maxilla

Patient evaluation treatment planning for edentulous posterior maxilla

*   The SA-2 to SA-4 surgical procedures the sinus should be free of infection
*   In addition, a thorough history and clinical evaluation of the maxillary sinus are conducted.
*   Potential infection in the region of the sinuses may result in extremely severe complication
*   Physical examination
*   Radiography
*   Conventional :OPG, water’s view
*   CT
*   MRI
*   CT is currently the modality of choice
*   Any sign of acute sinusitis, root tips, cysts or tumors complicate the procedure and mandate further evaluation
*   Known diseases of the antrum should be treated before sinus grafts

Tuesday 2 August 2011

Treatment planning for edentulous posterior maxilla

*   The maxillary ostium opening in the medial wall                            and near the superior aspect of the sinus
*   The cilia beat toward the ostium at 15 cycles/minute
*   Adequate manipulation of the membrane and placement of graft material are possible without impeding the drainage of the sinus

Treatment planning for edentulous posterior maxilla

Monday 1 August 2011

Maxillary Sinus Anatomy & Sinus membrane

Maxillary Sinus Anatomy

Pyramidal shape
Roof                : floor of orbit
Floor               : alveolar bone and palatine process
Anterior wall  : facial surface of maxilla
Posterior wall : infratemporal  surface
Medial wall        : lateral wall of  nasal cavity

Sinus membrane
Schneiderian membrane

Mucoperiosteum cansists 3 layers
1.Epithelium lining : pseudostratified columnar ciliated epithelium
2.Lamina propria           can stripped easily from
3.periosteum                         underlying bone
There are numerous globlet cell
Most of the serous and mucous glands found in the lining are located near the maxillary ostium 

Sunday 31 July 2011

Maxillary Sinus Bone Graft & Nreve , blood supply of Maxillary Sinus

Neurovascular supply

Blood supply is mainly derived from nose

*   Sphenopalatine artery
*   Anterior & posterior nasal artery
*   Infraorbital artery
*   Posterior & middle superior alveolar artery
*   Facial artery
*   Palatine artery

Venous drainage

*   Anterior facial vein
*   Pterygoid veinous plexus

Lymphatic drainage

*   Submandibular lymphnode

Nerve supply

*   Maxillary division of trigeminal nerve (V2)