SevaDharma Dental Clinic: Maxillary Sinus Anatomy & Sinus membrane

Monday 1 August 2011

Maxillary Sinus Anatomy & Sinus membrane

Maxillary Sinus Anatomy

Pyramidal shape
Roof                : floor of orbit
Floor               : alveolar bone and palatine process
Anterior wall  : facial surface of maxilla
Posterior wall : infratemporal  surface
Medial wall        : lateral wall of  nasal cavity

Sinus membrane
Schneiderian membrane

Mucoperiosteum cansists 3 layers
1.Epithelium lining : pseudostratified columnar ciliated epithelium
2.Lamina propria           can stripped easily from
3.periosteum                         underlying bone
There are numerous globlet cell
Most of the serous and mucous glands found in the lining are located near the maxillary ostium 

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