SevaDharma Dental Clinic: Gutkha and pan staining

Friday 20 May 2011

Gutkha and pan staining

We are seriously working on gutkha and pan staining because it is very commonly seen in india becasue tobacco chewing , gutkha eating and paan chewing are the habits predominantly ssen in males . Various surveys proved that staining seen in gutkha eaters and pann chewers are extrinsic but constant contact of gutkha and pan in the mouth causes reddish color to gingiva , mucosa and most important to teeth also . In such cases  gingiva and muocsa look dry , shiny  , stretched .
This type of staining is extrinsic that means acquired from external soursces but long term use of it causes stain  to embed into craks ,fissures of teeth which very difficult to remove just by scaling . As long term use of cholrhexidine casues intrinsic stain which is not able to remove by scaling .So to remove gutkha staining otherwise alternative modalities should be used  that we will discuss it later. 

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