SevaDharma Dental Clinic: Uses of endodontic microsope

Sunday 19 June 2011

Uses of endodontic microsope

Uses of the microscopes
l  Cracked or fractured teeth
l  Deep caries management
l  Inspection of restoration margins
l  In routine endodontics
l  Access cavity preparation
l  Location of canal orifices
l  Detection of obscured canal orifices
l  Preparation of root canal system
l  Obturation of the root canal system
l  Management of crown/root perforations
l  Retrieval of separated instrument
l  Overfilled/under filled canals
l  In surgical endodontics
l  Smaller osteotomies
l  Shallow/no bevels to conserve root architecture
l  Easy identification of the root apex
l  Ultrasonic retropreparation
l  In documentation
l  Used in allied dental fields
l  In periodontics
l  In oral surgery
l  prosthodontics 

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