SevaDharma Dental Clinic: August 2011

Thursday 11 August 2011

Follow up of root canal patient

Follow up of root canal patient

Before treatment

Immediately After Treatment

Eight months After Treatment

Tuesday 9 August 2011

Friday 5 August 2011

Bone density classification

Bone density classification

*   1. dense compact (D-1) bone
*   2. dense to thick porous compact and coarse trabecular (D-2) bone
*   3. porous compact and         fine trabecular (D-3) bone
*   4. fine trabecular (D-4) bone

Division of available bone

Thursday 4 August 2011

Surgical technique

Surgical technique
*   Patient sedation, local anesthesia, and preparation of an aseptic environment
*   Antiseptic mouth rinse : Chlorhexidine scrub and rinse may be used
*   Iodophor compounds ( Betadine ) are a most effective antiseptic, but inhibit the osteoinduction of demineralized bone
Regional anesthesia
*   Blocking maxillary nerve (v2 ) : 1.8 ml
*   Hemimaxilla, side of nose, cheek, lip, sinus area
*   Long-acting anesthetic : Bupivacaine 0.5 % or Etidocaine 1.5 % with EPI 1:200,000
Local infiltration
*   Labial mucosa and palatal region
*   Complete hemostasis
*   Lidocaine 2 % with EPI 1:100,000   

Wednesday 3 August 2011

Patient evaluation treatment planning for edentulous posterior maxilla

Patient evaluation treatment planning for edentulous posterior maxilla

*   The SA-2 to SA-4 surgical procedures the sinus should be free of infection
*   In addition, a thorough history and clinical evaluation of the maxillary sinus are conducted.
*   Potential infection in the region of the sinuses may result in extremely severe complication
*   Physical examination
*   Radiography
*   Conventional :OPG, water’s view
*   CT
*   MRI
*   CT is currently the modality of choice
*   Any sign of acute sinusitis, root tips, cysts or tumors complicate the procedure and mandate further evaluation
*   Known diseases of the antrum should be treated before sinus grafts

Tuesday 2 August 2011

Treatment planning for edentulous posterior maxilla

*   The maxillary ostium opening in the medial wall                            and near the superior aspect of the sinus
*   The cilia beat toward the ostium at 15 cycles/minute
*   Adequate manipulation of the membrane and placement of graft material are possible without impeding the drainage of the sinus

Treatment planning for edentulous posterior maxilla

Monday 1 August 2011

Maxillary Sinus Anatomy & Sinus membrane

Maxillary Sinus Anatomy

Pyramidal shape
Roof                : floor of orbit
Floor               : alveolar bone and palatine process
Anterior wall  : facial surface of maxilla
Posterior wall : infratemporal  surface
Medial wall        : lateral wall of  nasal cavity

Sinus membrane
Schneiderian membrane

Mucoperiosteum cansists 3 layers
1.Epithelium lining : pseudostratified columnar ciliated epithelium
2.Lamina propria           can stripped easily from
3.periosteum                         underlying bone
There are numerous globlet cell
Most of the serous and mucous glands found in the lining are located near the maxillary ostium