SevaDharma Dental Clinic: Re treatment of lower right second molar

Wednesday 11 March 2015

Re treatment of lower right second molar

Re treatment of lower right second molar

Preoperative RVG of lower right second molar

In this RVG of lower second molar , we can easily visualize post obturation restoration is fractured. Lateral condensation in the distal canal is very poor . In mesial lingual and buccal canal , we can hardly notice any gutta percha point inside it.In the middle third of the mesial root , file is fractured . So we decided to go for re rootcanal treatment with the same tooth.

Postoperative RVG of lower right second molar

In this above RVG , we can eaisly make out the fractured part of file is bypassed and successful obturation is done with the distal as well as mesial canals followed by temproray restoration with ZOE cement.

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