SevaDharma Dental Clinic: July 2011

Sunday 31 July 2011

Maxillary Sinus Bone Graft & Nreve , blood supply of Maxillary Sinus

Neurovascular supply

Blood supply is mainly derived from nose

*   Sphenopalatine artery
*   Anterior & posterior nasal artery
*   Infraorbital artery
*   Posterior & middle superior alveolar artery
*   Facial artery
*   Palatine artery

Venous drainage

*   Anterior facial vein
*   Pterygoid veinous plexus

Lymphatic drainage

*   Submandibular lymphnode

Nerve supply

*   Maxillary division of trigeminal nerve (V2)

Saturday 30 July 2011



Maxillary Sinus Anatomy

*   Maxilla is 35 times more edentulous than mandible
*   Maxillary sinus continues pneumatization throughout life.
*   The available bone is lost from the inferior expansion of the sinus after tooth loss, involving the residual ridge region
*   The bone density in this region is also decreases rapidly an on average is the least dense of any oral region 

Friday 29 July 2011

Yesterday's case of Engima to Endodontics

Engima to Endodontics

Bifurcationss & Trifurcations are most common in mandibular first premolar .They present a challenge during cleaning , shaping  and obturation .Because of this it is known as "Engima to Endodontist"

Stages og osseointegration

Stages Leading Up To Osseointegration

STAGE I:  Inflammatory response to bone damage during drilling procedures

STAGE II: Osteoclastic activity removes any clot or necrotic matter

Stages of Osseointegration

    Primary Mesenchymal Cells differentiate into osteoblasts & lay down osteoid

Stages of Osseointegration

Woven bone laid down

Stages of Osseointegration

*   Lamellar Bone laid down

Surgical & Post Surgical Factors That Prevent Osseointegration

*   Heating of bone beyond 47 C
*   Poor vascular supply & low oxygen  tension to site of implant placement
*   Micromovemnets beyond 150 um during initial healing phase at bone- implant interface

Thursday 28 July 2011

Surface Coatings of Implants

Surface Coatings of Implants

Ø Titanium plasma spray
Ø Abrasions using TiO2 blasting
Ø Blasting & etching using alumina & sulfuric or hydrochloric acid
Ø Anodizing
Ø Cold working (dimpling)
Ø Sintering
Ø Magnetron sputtering using calcium sulfate apatites
Ø Bead compaction methods

Advantages of Surface Coatings

Surface Design of Implants

Surface Roughness of Implants

*   Speeds up bone apposition
*   Any grooves in the surface guide cell migration along their direction thereby allowing bone to adhere to even the tiniest irregularity
*   Better interlock & biomechanical response
*   Accentuates ability of Ti to integrate without inflammation.

Wednesday 27 July 2011

Position , number and angulation of implant

Position of the Implant

*   Depends on bone quality & quantity
*   Minimum distance between implant & adjacent natural tooth: 5mm
*   Minimum distance between two adjacent implants from their centres:7mm

Number of Implants

Ø Depends on
a)  Bone available
b)  Span length
c)   Occlusion
d)  Type of prosthesis
Ø Increasing the number of implants decreases the force per implant

Implant Angulation

   Implants may have to be angulated rather than along the long axis of the missing tooth when:
Ø Position, quality & dimension of bone is not ideal
Ø To avoid unaesthetic proclination of anteriors
Ø Multiple implants

Tuesday 26 July 2011

Bone formation on titanium

Bone formation on titanium
Length of Implant
*   Ranges from 6mm to 20mm
*   It is the measured from the height of the crest of the ridge to 1mm from the nearest anatomic limitation
*   Aim in selecting length is bicortical stabilization
Diameter of the Implant
*   Must be such that atleast 1 mm of healthy bone remains around the implant both buccally & lingually
*   Bone density also governs implant width.
*   Wider implants have better bone contact & greater cross section at the neck of the implant.

Monday 25 July 2011

Material of the Implant- Titanium

Material of the Implant- Titanium

*   The property of osseointegration is virtually exclusive to titanium.

*   When Ti is exposed to atmospheric conditions forms a passivation oxide layer

*   More extensive layer about 10nm in thickness formed in vivo

*   Also been hypothesized that the actual Ti interface to the implant is a hydrated Ti peroxy matrix.