SevaDharma Dental Clinic: Dental Implant - Imaging

Monday 11 July 2011

Dental Implant - Imaging





Ú    3D RECONSTRUCTION & StereoLithoGraphic Models

Ú Until recently, dentists have evaluated the jaw predominantly by using radiographs in their office. The development of dental computed tomographic (CT) reformatting programs, however, has completely revolutionized and changed the fashion in which we radiographically evaluate the jaw today.

Ú Dentists and oral surgeons were experiencing difficulty with the use of conventional radiographs to determine whether there was sufficient bone in the jaw to accommodate these implants. They also found it difficult to determine the exact location of the mandibular nerve and other important structures. As a result, dentists soon began to work with their colleagues in radiology, and a dental CT reformatting program was developed to resolve these issues.

Ú Today, these programs are used to evaluate patients with dental implants; in addition, they are being used to assess tumors, cysts , inflammatory disease, oroantral fistulas, silicone implants , fractures, and surgical procedures.

Ú The programs are useful because they provide accurate information about the height and width of the jaw, as well as information about the location of vital structures, such as the mandibular canal, mental foramen, mandibular foramen, incisive foramen, and maxillary sinuses.

Ú In addition, detailed information about internal anatomy and the relationship between lesions and the cortical margins and roots of the teeth can be established.

These programs are optimally used as an adjunct to, rather than a substitute for, conventional dental radiography. 

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