SevaDharma Dental Clinic: Position , number and angulation of implant

Wednesday 27 July 2011

Position , number and angulation of implant

Position of the Implant

*   Depends on bone quality & quantity
*   Minimum distance between implant & adjacent natural tooth: 5mm
*   Minimum distance between two adjacent implants from their centres:7mm

Number of Implants

Ø Depends on
a)  Bone available
b)  Span length
c)   Occlusion
d)  Type of prosthesis
Ø Increasing the number of implants decreases the force per implant

Implant Angulation

   Implants may have to be angulated rather than along the long axis of the missing tooth when:
Ø Position, quality & dimension of bone is not ideal
Ø To avoid unaesthetic proclination of anteriors
Ø Multiple implants

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