SevaDharma Dental Clinic: Dental Implant - Advantages

Thursday 7 July 2011

Dental Implant - Advantages

Ú Preservation of bone
Ú Improved function
Ú Aesthetics
Ú Stability and support.
Ú Comfort.
Ú Reliable
Ú Improved Appearance
Ú Improved Comfort
Ú Improved Speech
Ú Chew Your Food Better
Ú Confidence & Convenience
Ú Tooth-saving   Dental implants don't sacrifice the quality of your adjacent teeth like a bridge does because neighboring teeth are not altered to support the implant. More of your own teeth are left untouched, a significant long-term benefit to your oral health!
Ú You feel confident that your replacement teeth won’t move or loosen.
Ú You regain the closest thing to the look, feel and function of your natural teeth.
Ú Forget about unsightly partial denture clasps which place damaging pressure on remaining natural teeth.
Ú Eliminate irritated and painful gums.
Ú Dental implants help stop the progressive bone loss and shrinkage of your jawbone by "mimicking" the roots of natural teeth.
Improved dental hygiene   Dental implants just need regular brushing, flossing and dental hygiene appointments just like your natural teeth. 

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